While you're still potentially working on getting Bad Juju and completing your Moments of Triumph in Destiny 2, that doesn't mean you don't need an Exotic fix that requires a lot less grinding. Good news, though: there's one more day to catch up with Xur, Agent of the Nine, and his new batch of Exotics before he bails after Tuesday's weekly reset. Here's where to find him and what items you can buy from him right now.
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Now Playing: [Last Chance] Where Is Xur Today? Destiny 2 Exotic Vendor Location Guide (7/12 - 7/16)
For a weapon this week, Xur brings Hard Light, one of the most fun Exotics in Destiny 2. It's an auto-rifle that fires powerful elemental ricochet rounds that don't lose their effectiveness at range, and do even more damage once they bounce. Plus, you can change Hard Light's elemental damage type at any time, making it extremely versatile.
Xur's armor haul includes Wings of Sacred Dawn for Warlocks, a chest armor piece that can suspend you in midair when you aim down the sights; the effect lasts even longer as you land hits. Hunters can grab Gemini Jester leg armor, which disorients enemies near you when you dodge, removing their radar. Finally, Titans can grab the Helm of Saint-14 helmet, which gives overshields to allies who walk through your Ward of Dawn bubble shield. Enemies who pass through the shield are blinded, as are enemies who get too close to your Sentinel Shield while you're guarding.
Hard Light -- 29 Legendary ShardsGemini Jester (Hunter leg armor) -- 23 Legendary ShardsHelm of Saint-14 (Titan helmet) -- 23 Legendary ShardsWings of Sacred Dawn (Warlock chest armor) -- 23 Legendary ShardsBeyond this, you can get a Fated Engram, which you can only buy one of per week but will decrypt into an Exotic you don't already own. That costs a whopping 97 Legendary Shards. You can also pick up an Invitation of the Nine for nine Legendary Shards, giving you some special objectives to complete, or the Five of Swords challenge card to adjust Nightfall Strike modifiers.
Xur will stick around until the weekly reset on Tuesday, July 16, so make sure to visit him before then if you're interested.
There's a lot of other things to do in Destiny 2 in the meantime. Check out our guide to help you get the game's latest Exotic hand cannon, Lumina, and our complete guide to snagging Bad Juju fast, including how to get started on the Tribute Hall. We've also got Moments of Triumph 2019 guide to help you quickly unlock your new emblem, sparrow, jumpship, t-shirt and title.