Hardcore Sega fans, keep your eyes out for Sega Ages: Phantasy Star Collection. This RPG compilation has more to offer than the standard Sega Ages title.
For example, it includes a Gallery mode that lets you view movie clips from Phantasy Star's TV commercials for all four titles and view artwork from the games and their development.
The games themselves have some enhancements as well. Phantasy Star has nice FM (frequency modulated) music, which appeared in the original version (Sega MKII - aka Master System), but did not appear on the Mega Drive version. And in Phantasy Star II and III, your characters can move faster than in the originals. In Phantasy Star III, you have four save slots. You can enjoy the game's multiple endings with a lot less effort.
Phantasy Star Collection for Saturn is due out on April 2 for a retail price in Japan of 4,800 yen (about US$40).