This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.
JankDota recently announced the inaugural tournament of their sub-professional Dota 2 league. The modestly dubbed the JankDota League (JDL) is drawing in hopefuls with a prize pool of at least $500: a sum that will swell as ticket sales and donations pour in. Better still, registration is open and free of fees and sponsorship requirements. Round robin scheduling will whittle twelve teams to a final four, who will then compete in a Captains Draft best of three. Each match will be streamed and casted live via Jank's Twitch channel.
JankDota's intentions seem to be highlighting new talent while fostering a sense of levity despite the involvement of potentially hefty cash prizes. Events like this can only fortify and broaden the community, right? Like patronizing your locally owned establishment of choice. Or buying craft beer. If you'd like to show the little guy some love, take a gander at their website or visit their Reddit post.
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