Tuesday morning. Let's roll. Big things coming up, namely Nintendo and Microsoft press conferences. And I'm going to predict that both are going to knock people's socks off. Both companies must be thinking they've got a great gift from Sony's performance last night, and they've had hours to make decisions. Meanwhile, both should show some amazing software. I'm curious to see what the Wii (still hate that name) can do, and MS has got second-generation Xbox 360 games on tap, and I imagine that they look incredible.
Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, since you're usually too busy around here to eat lunch or dinner. At best, we get tons of pizzas and sandwiches delivered, and that's eaten on the run. Breakfast is usually the only full meal we'll get each day, and we can unwind a bit and talk about anything, particularly stuff that doesn't have anything to do with games.