Interactive Magic is in the final stages of acquiring MPG-Net, but even before the ink on that deal is fully dry, I-Magic is making use of MPG-Net's resources. In particular, MPG-Net's ICONS (Internet Content Network System) technology for building online gaming networks and communities, which I-Magic is using to power the GameHub site. I-Magic calls that site the "preferred provider" for online games for AT&T WorldNet members, which number approximately 1.3 million.
I-Magic announced the launch of GameHub this week. The service is available to users for a US$4.95 monthly subscription fee. The site features among its offerings role-playing game Kingdom of Drakkar, Unreal, Total Annihilation, and I-Magic's own WarBirds air combat sim ofcourse. Chat rooms, forums, and online shopping areas are other parts of the GameHub mix.
I-Magic also announced the release of Thunder Brigade, an arcade-style game where players pilot a flying tank in the midst of an interplanetary war amongst three federations vying for control of a dozen planets. The game features 30 missions and its own mission editor.
The game should be available at retail this week.