Almost two years ago to the day, Humble Bundle expanded from simply offering limited-time bundles to having a permanent storefront. To celebrate, Humble has launched a new PC game sale that's now live.
Company of Heroes 2Among the best deals right now are Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered for $2.49, The Witcher III for $42, Cities: Skylines for $15, Shadow of Mordor: Game of the Year Edition for $17, Grim Fandango Remastered for $3.74, and a Company of Heroes franchise bundle for $25.
Either as part of this or separately, there are also a bunch of Square Enix games on sale. That includes the Hitman Collection for $10, Just Cause 2 for $3.74, Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition for $7.49, and the Deus Ex Collection for $8.24.
In many cases, you'll receive a Steam key with your purchase, though that isn't always the case. The Witcher III, for instance, redeems through GOG, which still has its own sale going on.
The sale runs for the next week, and as always, 10 percent of your purchase goes to a charity of your choice.