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Bungie today released a major Destiny update across all platforms, addressing weapon balance, raids, vendors, and various technical troubles. The update also fixes an issue on Xbox One where party chat led to poor frame rate. You can see the full December 1 Destiny patch notes below, courtesy of Bungie.
Exotic Weapons are designed to look, feel, and sound overpowered. At the same time, they are not supposed to break the balance of the game. We hope these weapons challenge the way players think about their loadouts. Exotics will be a constant work in-progress!General:
In preparation for the Dark Below, Exotic Armor and Weapons no longer require Ascendant Materials to upgradeThe final upgrade node of all Exotic Gear will require an Exotic ShardExotic Shards can be obtained by one of the following means: Dismantling unwanted ExoticsPurchased from Xur for 7 Strange CoinsExotics now start at a higher base Attack value and have a narrowed upgrade range to compensateThorn:
Projectiles now briefly highlight targets on impactMark of the Devourer DoT (damage-over-time) upgrade increased against PvE enemy targetsReload Speed increasedMagazine Size increasedAmmo inventory size increasedStability and Weapon Handling increasedBad Juju:
Magazine Size increased to 8 bursts (was 5)Ammo inventory size increasedString of Curses now also decreases the cooldown of your Super on killAdjusted effects to not block first person reticleHard Light:
Stability increasedPerfect Balance upgrade replaced by Fitted Stock (increases maximum possible weapon Stability)Suros Regime:
Lowered total damage at the end of the mag on SUROS Regime upgrade to be more in line with the Glass Half Full perk on Legendary Auto RiflesMonte Carlo:
Stability increasedRange slightly decreasedMonte Carlo Method upgrade now also has a chance to fully charge melee ability on killMIDA Multi-Tool:
MIDA rounds now have increased knockback against targets in both PvE and PvPHawkmoon:
Send It upgrade (which was redundant) replaced by Speed ReloadRed Death:
Rate of Fire increased slightly, but Burst Damage reduced to compensatePlan C:
Weapon Handling speed increasedPlayer Speed increased while Plan C is in handPocket Infinity:
Speed Reload upgrade replaced by Extended Clip which allows the option to increase magazine size (5 bursts)Vex Mythoclast:
Attack Power increased to 323 (from 300)Base Damage increased, fixing bug we introduced in previous patchEnhanced Battery upgrade by Extended Mag (this change still allows for a significant upgrade to Magazine Size, but less than before)Invective:
Reload Speed increased significantly, auto fires slightly slowerIce Breaker:
Send It upgrade replaced by Lightweight (which was redundant as Icebreaker already had maximum range)New effects for enemies killed by Ice Breaker upgradePatience and Time:
Snapshot upgrade replaced by Custom Optics (provides a lower zoom option)Super Good Advice:
Stability increasedTruth:
Magazine Size increased to 3 (was 1)
Fixed an issue we introduced in a previous patch, in which Atheon did not correctly send 3 players through the time gatesFixed an exploit where the Templar could be forced off its platformDaily Heroic Story:
Destination Materials now drop from completing the Daily HeroicBounties:
Removed the 'Relic Hunter' BountyDestination Materials now drop from completing the Daily Patrol Bounty