Modern Warfare 3 brings back Call of Duty's slide-canceling movement. This is an advanced movement used by high-skilled players to slide and avoid enemy fire, essentially throwing off their opponents' aim and making themselves hard to track. While the movement doesn't feel quite as overpowered and broken as it did in Modern Warfare 2019, it's still a powerful movement mechanic to utilize. If you are looking for how to perform this sweaty movement for yourself, our guide will help you out.
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This doesn't work quite like previous years, as the slide-cancel in Modern Warfare 3 doesn’t reset your Tac Sprint, meaning you won't be able to use unlimited sprint to zoom around the maps faster. This is best used to throw off your opponents when sliding around corners and into doorways.
Here are the default button combos depending on your platform:
PlayStation: O, O, X
Xbox: B, B, A
PC: Shift, Shift, Space or C,C,Space
It might also be helpful to remap your buttons to an easier layout. On a controller, it can be helpful to use the tactical layout to slide and crouch with R3 instead of the O or B button. This change can be found in Modern Warfare 3's controller settings, and we have a full setting guide for MW3, which can help you get the best performance across all game modes.
Equipping the Tactical Pads in your boots gear slot is another good way to improve your slide-canceling, as this perk increases your sliding distance and allows you to fully aim your gun while sliding.
Make sure to check out our multiplayer tips for Modern Warfare 3. Additionally, we have a guide on how to level up faster, including both player rank and weapon progression in Modern Warfare 3.