Even though there are only two big NFL console games around these days--Madden NFL 2005 and ESPN NFL 2K5--there's still plenty to do in both titles. Both are packed with a plethora of game modes and features which appeal to everyone from the the casual pick-up-and-play fan to the hardcore, stat-loving GM in the making.
So I'm curious: How do you go about playing your pigskin game of choice? Are you in it only for the online play? Do you have weekly get-togethers with your buddies all huddled around the living room TV, controllers in hand? Are you loyal to a particular team in your favorite NFL game, or do you choose from several depending on your mood? Are online cheaters an overhyped annoyance or a serious epidemic?
In short, there's a lot of choices on the NFL videogames menu these days. How do you like your football?