The behavior of NPCs is a crucial element in games, especially in RPGs. Avalanche Software developers have done a solid job making Hogwarts feel real, full of students and professors in the hallways and outside the castle. However, several elements could still benefit from some improvements.
During Hogwarts Legacy’s daytime, you can see Sebastian Sallow, Natsay Onai, Poppy Sweeting, and other students walking around and sandboxing in specific areas. However, when night comes, they just disappear. Therefore, the modder ‘Khione95’ has recently released a mod called NPC Schedule Enhanced, available on NexusMods, which improves AI in the game for named NPCs only.
With this Hogwarts Legacy mod installed on your PC, you will see both students and professors attending classes, having dinner, hanging out in their common rooms at night, and more. Shops in Hogsmeade will also close at night, with vendors returning to their homes.
Students and professors will visit Hogsmeade during weekends, and you can find them at Zonko’s, The Three Broomsticks, or Hog's Head. They will walk to the village, the Great Hall, and the common rooms. Moreover, professors will be out at night, and you can find them walking around the castle.
The Hogwarts Legacy NPC Schedule Enhanced mod shows specific schedule times for characters’ activities and classes. Daytime is set between 06.00 and 22.00, while nighttime is between 22.00 and 06.00. It also clearly distinguishes between weekdays and weekends, with specific actions happening only during the first or the latter. Classes, for example, are scheduled from Monday to Friday, as everyone would expect. If you want to see the time in the game, you can check this other mod on NexusMods, which will add a clock under the minimap.
Shops in Hogsmeade will be open during the daytime. Breakfast will happen on weekdays in the Great Hall, from 08.00 to 10.00. Similarly, dinner is set between 19.00 and 20.30. You will actually see NPCs walking to the Great Hall and returning to their common rooms once finished.
The NPC Schedule Enhanced mod has a clear roadmap, and the modder is actively working on it. To list a few, ‘Khione95’ plans to add Aurors to Hogwarts and make students sleep in their dorms.
This modder also developed other noteworthy mods for Hogwarts Legacy, such as the Companions Mod we covered in a previous article. Instead, if you want to use more spells in the game, you can check the Spell Master Mod from ‘dvcons.’ And if you’re into modding and tweaking, make sure you also look at our Hogwarts Legacy mods and tweaks roundup.