Hearthstone's Descent of Dragons expansion is coming soon, and card reveals are underway. As the name might imply, this expansion largely centers around dragon synergy, but some cards can be a serious threat without leathery wings. GameSpot can reveal one such card, the Mage Legendary card Chenvaala.
Chenvaala is ice-cold.Chenvaala is a 3-mana 2/5 Elemental with a big synergistic effect. After casting three spells in a turn, it summons a 5/5 Elemental. The Mage class has already had luck formulating top-tier decks around slinging low-cost spells, most recently with the reemergence of the Flamewaker deck. Chenvaala won't be able to synergize with Flamewaker in Standard, but it just goes to show that a low-cost card like this can generate big value.
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Combined with cards like Sorcerer's Apprentice and Mana Cyclone, enterprising Mages will be able to generate a deck full of 5/5 threats somewhere in the mid-game. Mages have historically struggled with having a minion-heavy board, and this seems primed to address that. Of course, it also plays well with the recent Raid the Sky Temple quest from Saviors of Uldum.
Blizzard notes that the card's name is an anagram for "avalanche," giving him an icy appearance. It began as a joke, but the name stuck, so Chenvaala he is.
Descent of Dragons is coming on December 10. The new expansion is available for pre-purchase now. A 60-pack bundle for $50 includes a Golden Legendary and Shattering card back. The 100-pack Mega Bundle ($80) includes those plus a Deathwing Warrior Hero alternate. Check out our gallery of all the new Descent of Dragons cards revealed so far.