Hasbro Interactive said on Monday that it has shipped copies of Trivial Pursuit and Slingo for palm-size and hand-held Windows CE-based platforms. Initial shipments of both games began last Thursday.
Hasbro is the first third-party game-software publisher besides Microsoft to supply the platform with games at retail. Each game sells for US$30 at retail and will be available soon at the Hasbro web site. The company is readying Monopoly and Scrabble for Windows CE for an end-of-March release.
"We are extremely proud to be the first publisher after Microsoft to make games for the Windows CE platform available," said Hasbro Interactive president, Tom Dusenberry. "Our games take up little space on a handheld computer and provide lots of fun wherever you are. There's no better way to pass time or take a break when you are on the go all the time."