As part of Microsoft's 20th anniversary announcements today, the company revealed a special bonus program for Halo Infinite. All Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscribers will receive "monthly multiplayer bonuses" through the Perks program of Game Pass.
Microsoft did not say what the bonuses might be apart from being connected to multiplayer.
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Perks are available for a variety of Xbox Game Pass titles as a means to reward players for subscribing and encourage them to keep their subscription active. They can include in-game items, extra XP, cosmetics, and more.
Halo Infinite launches on December 8 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. In a big shift for the series, the multiplayer element is a free-to-play standalone game, while the campaign is a $60 game, though Game Pass subscribers can get it as part of their membership.
In other news, Microsoft has announced a 20th anniversary Xbox livestream to be held on November 15, while a Game of the Year edition of Microsoft Flight Simulator is on the way.