Though its single-player campaign has drawn mixed responses, Halo 3's multiplayer mode has drawn almost universal praise. Today, the now-independent Bungie Studios released the Heroic Map Pack, the first add-on to the wildly popular Xbox 360 shooter.
Priced at 800 Microsoft points ($10), the Heroic Pack features three new maps for would-be Master Chiefs to ply their bullet-spraying trade on. The first, Standoff, is described by Bungie as a "big-ish symmetrical map, great for team slayer, excellent for objective games, and big enough for a couple of vehicles." It sports a variety of bunkers and outside cover to allow for group attacks from base to base.
The second map, Rat’s Nest, is partially borrowed from one of the early levels of Halo 3's single-player campaign. Set inside a large underground base, it offers an oblong indoor road Bungie equates to a "NASCAR track," which lends itself to vehicle-intensive bouts of Objective, Slayer, Infection, and Territories.
Lastly, the Heroic Map pack contains Foundry, which is being billed as "the most customizable Halo 3 Forge map ever created." Set inside a large warehouse, the level is designed to allow the maximum number of modifications via Halo 3's built-in level editor, though it also sports plenty of weapons and spawn points by default.
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