By: Matthew Rorie
Poor Kratos. This soldier of the gods of Olympus is set upon by nightmares from the days when he murdered his family, and works for the gods of Olympus in the hopes that they will someday wipe his memory clean. In the meantime, he does their bidding across the lands and whines endlessly about his plight to whomever will listen. It's a hard life.
Luckily, Kratos is also pretty good at killing things, as you'll know if you've played God of War or God of War II for the PS2. Now, in an attempt to recreate the series' success on its mobile platform, Sony has released God of War: Chains of Olympus, a prequel of sorts to the two main games in the God of War universe. While Chains of Olympus has a somewhat constrained control scheme and isn't as ambitious in scope as its PS2 cousins, it's still an excellent game that's an excellent fit for the PSP.
In this Game Guide to God of War: Chains of Olympus, we're going to offer up a full walkthrough for the game. If you're interested in more information on Chains of Olympus, including the unlockable bonus features, check out our Hints and Cheats page for the game.
As in previous God of War games, Kratos will be able to pick up new weapons and magical attacks to help him in his fight in Chains of Olympus. This section will be a basic description of these weapons and magical attacks.
Chains of Olympus is fairly giving with the red orbs that you'll need to use to upgrade your weapons. You'll gain them very slowly at first, but as the game rolls along you'll find yourself gaining more and more orbs. You'll probably want to upgrade your weapons first, as they'll be what you use against every enemy you face, but by the end of the game you'll probably have enough orbs to upgrade all of your weapons and magic to the maximum level.
The standard weapon for Kratos are his trusty Blades of Chaos. These are what you should be pouring most of your red orbs into early on in the game, until you've hit the maximum level for the blades (which is level 5). Higher levels will let you deal more damage with all of your attacks as well as unlock new combos.
One of the best combos is the Cyclone of Chaos, which you unlock at level two; when activated by tapping L + Square, Kratos will swirl his blades around himself, hitting anything nearby multiple times. This is most useful for smaller enemies, like birds or banshees, that can be interrupted by the damage. You can't stop the combo when it starts, so if an enemy can shrug off the damage, they'll simply walk over and hit you as you let the combo whirl. Luckily, you can also perform this move after jumping, which is handy for attacking larger enemies.
Most of the other combos here are useful situationally, such as the Tartarus Rage, which helps knock the armor off of enemies that use it. Just keep in mind that you can't stop a combo when it starts. If you need to quickly dodge away or block in the middle of an attack, you'd be better off sticking with regular attack combinations instead of the Blades' special combos.
You won't pick up the game's second weapon, the Gauntlet of Zeus, until fairly late in the game. When you do, however, you'll find it to be a powerful tool in your fight, and will want to upgrade it as quickly as possible.
The Gauntlet is very similar to the Cerberus/Gilgamesh weapons from the Devil May Cry series of games: it's slow but powerful, and the blows can be charged up by holding down the buttons for more powerful attacks. When upgraded, it has three quick special attacks, including the Olympic Strike, which is handy in knocking off enemy armor, and the Lightning Thrash and Olympic Thunder maneuvers. The aerial versions of these latter two abilities will be handy in taking down larger enemies and groups of small enemies, respectively.
The first piece of magic that you get is the Efreet, which is similar in usage to Poseidon's Rage or Cronos' Rage from the first God of War games. At its lowest level, this is simply an area-of-effect damage spell that will hit all nearby enemies for a decent amount of damage. It's useful, but not incredibly worthwhile. If you can upgrade it completely, though, the Efreet becomes much more similar to the Atlas Quake of God of War II, in that you'll be able to mash the O button to send large shockwaves towards enemies near you. This also protects you from enemy attacks, making it a handy escape button when you're about to get pounded by larger enemies.
You can probably get through the entire game without upgrading Efreet, if you wish, but if you have to choose one of the spells to upgrade, Efreet is probably the best choice.
This is another type of magic that hearkens back to an older spell, in this case Typhon's Bane or Zeus' Fury. The Light of Dawn is essentially a ranged attack, letting you hit distant enemies with powerful balls of light. Levelling up the weapon will let you fire more rapidly and charge up the attacks for extra power, but you probably won't have a lot of time to use this anyway against the powerful enemies that will be your biggest foes. Feel free to ignore this spell if you want to spend your orbs elsewhere.
The last spell you obtain is Charon's Wrath, which will let you shoot your enemies with a pestilent cloud, which will (in the case of small enemies) prevent them from moving and rack up a lot of damage (and a large boost to your combo meter). This will not stun larger enemies, like cyclopes or minotaurs, but can still keep your combo meter alive while you run away from them.
Upgrading Charon's Wrath will let the spell hit more enemies, which is handy. It's a good spell to invest in if you've already upgraded everything else that you want.
This walkthrough is written for Hero (Normal) difficulty. Play on a harder difficulty if you like, but this walkthrough (especially for the boss fights) may not always apply.
You'll begin the game with Kratos atop a building, surrounded by soldiers. Your trusty Blades of Chaos work as well as they ever have, so start slicing and dicing here. Don't get fancy; just try to keep your combo meter up as high as it'll go for the extra orbs that this rewards you. After defeating all of the soldiers (just wait for them to stop coming), fire the ballista nearby into the ship. That, for some reason, will trigger an explosion on the roof nearby, allowing you to drop down into the building.
Tip: Keep in mind that you can destroy all of the crates on the rooftop and inside the building for more orbs. Be on the lookout for more crates as you play the game, as the orbs that they drop will add up over time.
Kill the soldiers inside the building, then refill your health with the chest nearby. Attempting to open the door will reveal a cyclops first, which you can knock away by mashing the O button, and then the dreaded Basilisk, which will act as the boss for a large chunk of this first portion of the game.
The first fight against the Basilisk is fairly easy. Get up close to the mouth and start hitting it with your attacks. The Basilisk has two attacks of its own here. It will often rear back and then snap forward for two quick chomps of its teeth; you can block this attack with your left analog stick. It will also periodically fling fireballs at you, which you can dodge with the dodge mechanic. Unfortunately, the loss of the second analog stick on the PSP will force you to dodge by holding down both the left and right shoulder buttons and then moving the analog stick to one side. It's a bit complicated, and not particularly easy to do if you're holding the PSP, so you may want to find a flat surface to rest it on while you play the game.
At any rate, if you use your normal attacks on the Basilisk while dodging or blocking its attacks, you will eventually wear down the Basilisk so that it only has a third of its health bar left or so. When that occurs, you'll be able to start the minigame to finish this first mini boss fight. Tap the buttons that pop up to wound the Basilisk, then use the minotaur's club to put out its eye. It'll move off, forcing you to follow it.
After the Basilisk goes down, follow it out onto the beach nearby. You can destroy the small barricades scattered around this area for more orbs, but your goal is to push the battering ram up to the next door. Nothing too complicated here; it only moves in one direction. One thing to keep in mind here are the presence of the falling ballista bolts. You can see where they fall if you keep an eye on the ground, but keep in mind that they can hurt you even if you stand outside the radius that shows on the ground.
Before smashing the gate, keep in mind that there is a Red Orb Chest to the right of it and another chest atop a platform near the save point that has a Gorgon Eye inside of it.
Smash the gates with the ram and head through. You'll soon come across archers. Reach them by jumping into the water and swimming across. After they're dead, start attempting to use the crank nearby to open the gate, but be sure to kill all the soldiers that appear before doing so; any chance at earning orbs should be accepted. When you're ready to move on, turn the crank until the door is fully open, then rush across the room and through it before it closes. It may close too quickly for you to reach via running, so be prepared to dodge under it.
Tip:To maximize the number of orbs that you get while fighting soldiers, you should keep in mind that using your grab kill while your combo meter is over ten will count as a Ruthless Kill and net you an automatic ten-orb bonus. When you have two soldiers on the screen, try to hit both of them with your weak attacks until your combo meter is at eight hits, then use your grab move on one of the soldiers. So long as you kill him with the grab move while the meter is at ten hits or higher, you'll get the ten-orb bonus. You can then use another weak attack on the remaining soldier and grab him to finish him off as well for another bonus. Try to keep your streak alive if any other soldiers are in the area!
The next area will feature a number of soldiers and archers scattered around beneath a siege tower. Before entering the siege tower, move off to the right and bit and you'll see another tower. Destroy the wood at its base to reveal two Red Orb Chests. With those collected, climb the siege tower (why did the Persians pack all of their gold into a siege tower?) and jump off the ladder about halfway up to find another chest with a Gorgon Eye in it.
After climbing to the top of the tower, head to the left to find a Red Orb Chest, then navigate across the wooden beam to reach another door.
The King here has three main attacks (not counting the bevy of soldiers that will run around the area and distract you). He'll attempt two swings with his sword, which can be blocked or dodge. In addition, he can also set his sword alight for one massive swing, or call upon the power of Efreet to deal damage all around him. Both of these attacks need to be dodged; just dodge away from him and you should be fine.
If you can adapt to the King's attacks, this is a fairly simple fight, as he moves slowly. Feel free to dispatch his soldiers first (they'll respawn for a while, but will eventually stop appearing), then start nickel-and-diming him to death from a distance. All of his attacks are fairly easy to avoid, since the man himself is slow, and the attacks themselves are also relatively slow to come out. Whack away at him until you get to play the minigame; it starts with O-mashing and then asks you to hit three random buttons before you're able to finish him off.
With the King dead, you'll gain his power to summon the Efreet. This is similar to the classic Poseidon's Rage ability, in that it deals damage to all enemies in a circle around you, but at the outset it will only deal one powerful blow to each enemy nearby, preventing you from using it to create huge hit combos.
After trying out the Efreet on the soldiers that come calling, the doors on the north end of the room will open. The right door will lead to the game's sex minigame, which will net you 75 red orbs if you complete it. It's not too difficult to complete, so long as you recognize that tapping the left and right shoulder buttons needs to stop as soon as the icon disappears from your screen. There's one more button press to hit after that.
After saving your game, move on to the next walkway. There's a ballista here which you need to fire at the Basilisk, but first kill all of the soldiers that come your way. Don't worry about kicking the ladders over; simply kill the soldiers until they stop appearing. You'll get plenty of orbs that way. When they stop appearing, rotate the ballista so that it faces the Basilisk and fire away. (Before firing it at the Basilisk, though, rotate it about to the middle of its movement scheme and fire it at the large building there. You should see it explode.) Hitting the Basilisk will let you open the door nearby to move on.
In the warehouse, avoid the crank for the moment and instead climb the ladder at the back of the room. That will lead to a Red Orb Chest and a chest with a Phoenix Feather inside of it, which will eventually increase your maximum magical abilities.
Heading down the crankshaft will lead you to your first Cyclops attack. Much like the Persian King, these guys are slow, with slow attacks, but their attacks are not blockable, so you'll have to do your best to dodge around while attacking from a distance with your regular attacks. Feel free to use your Efreet to good effect; you're going to get a magic refill from the chest nearby after the fight. Just be careful, as it can be difficult to spot the O-minigame prompt above the enemy's head, since the Cyclops is so tall. It's better to kill it with the minigame as opposed to simply beating it down, as that'll net you more orbs.
Move on past the Cyclops to reach some archers. Kill them and open the Red Orb Chest and the other chest to find a Gorgon Eye.
Head up the wall near the save point here and start killing the soldiers. Clear out everyone in the area to find a Red Orb Chest and a Phoenix Feather. There's another Gorgon Eye in the building here; if you fired the ballista at it earlier, it should be accessible. Otherwise it will be impossible to reach.
Move on by smashing the gate at the end of the walkway and using the lever there to descend into the market. Smash everything to gain orbs; there's also a Red Orb Chest nearby. You can then move on to the next stage of the market area, which is much larger. Move off to the right to find three more Red Orb Chests and plenty of soldiers. Get your combo meter up on them and use the grab move to finish them off for maximum orbs.
To move on from this area, you'll need to put pressure on two pressure plates. There's a movable box near the bottom of the screen that you'll have to move down to see; grab it and put it on the first pressure plate, then grab the dead body nearby and use it on the second plate to move on.
The tunnel here will have health, mana, and a save point. You know what's coming up next! You can also find another Phoenix Feather here.
The Basilisk here is going to be somewhat similar to his first form, but will have more powerful attacks. You'll still be able to glean some health orbs from him by hitting him often enough, but you'll want to beat him as quickly as possible regardless.
By default, the Basilisk will face you on the ground, face to face. He will use his typical mouth attack here, which hits twice and is blockable. He will also sometimes lash out with one of his claws, which smashes Kratos into the ground and which cannot be blocked; attempt to dodge this.
If you hit the Basilisk in the face enough (using simple combos will give you enough time to block his attacks when you see them coming), you'll push the Basilisk backwards, resulting in a flood of orbs. If you don't attack quickly enough, however, the Basilisk will push forward, eventually pushing you off of the bridge. You need to balance the need to block its attacks versus the need to be vicious. On the normal difficulty setting, you can be pretty balls-out with your attacks without worrying too much; the incoming attacks won't deal a huge amount of damage. You can either use the default attack combos or the upgraded L+Square combos if you've upgraded your Blades of Chaos.
When you do manage to knock the Basilisk backwards, it will always follow up with a flaming breath attack that will sweep across the stage. Jump over this attack and use an aerial attack of your own to deal damage while the monster is distracted.
After you beat the Basilisk backwards a bit, it will retreat atop a wall and start shooting fireballs at you. Use the dodging mechanic to avoid these fireballs and attempt to get up close and personal with the creature's foot, where you can start the minigame. It's not lengthy at this point; you just have to rotate the analog stick in one direction or another. Unfortunately, this can be frustrating, as attempting to rotate too quickly will cause you to fail, as of course will rotating too slowly. Keep it at a steady pace and hope that you don't mysteriously start going backwards as you rotate. It's frustrating, but eventually you'll nail it and succeed at pulling the creature down off the wall.
This is the same as the earlier phase, but at the end of it, the Basilisk will attempt to crunch you with its jaws. Alternate between tapping on L and R to move on.
Another race for the foot and the minigame. This time you'll be rotating in the opposite direction.
The Basilisk will attack more quickly in this final phase, but eventually you'll get the minigame indicator under his neck. A few button presses and an O-mashfest and you'll be ready to move on.
Grab the Phoenix Feather near the start point here, then climb down the cliff to reach the Red Orb Chest. Continue down from there to reach the first save point of the level.
Bash your way into the home nearby to come face to face with your first undead knight. These knights are similar to soldiers, but attack more aggressively and take more damage. Be prepared to guard against their attacks. Finish this one off, then destroy the door at the rear of the area to reach a Red Orb Chest and another chest. The second chest will probably contain a Eye or Feather if you missed any of the earlier ones, but for us it contained more red and blue orbs.
Move back a bit to find the main drag here, where more Knights will appear and attack you. Kill them, then start heading down the road. There are a few more Red Orb Chests inside some of the buildings here, so look for doorways and explore a bit.
At the end of the road, you’ll get your first glimpse at the deadly fog that Morpheus is sending out into the city. Stepping into the fog has no ill effects at first, but will eventually deal heavy damage to you. You’ll need to move the small burning crate here towards the next gate in order to provide you with a bit of shelter from the fog, so do so, then open the gate and move on.
After passing through the gate, look near the large circular object on the floor to find a chest with a Gorgon Eye inside. As you head to the east, you’ll notice a statue with a torch; ignore it for the moment. Nearby, you’ll run into your first banshee. These annoying enemies attack quickly and have a shout that will stun Kratos. You can tap L and R to remove the stun effect, but it’ll often be impossible to do this quickly enough to avoid the first of the two-part attack that the banshee will be sending your way, so you may just want to hold the L button down to dodge the second attack. It’s generally easiest to just wail on the banshees with your L+Square attack to force the minigame and finish them off. They do drop magic orbs, so feel free to use Efreet on them to weaken them up.
The banshees will spawn forever, but will eventually stop giving you orbs when you kill them. In order to stop them from spawning, you’ll need to rotate the crank nearby; you may have to kill some archers in order to do this safely. Spinning the crank all the way will prevent any more banshees from spawning.
When the banshees are shut down, grab the Red Orb Chest to the east, then nab the torch from the statue. Throw it into the cart near where the archers stood and start pushing it. You can stop the cart whenever you spot another archer and run into their little areas; you’ll find a couple more Red Orb Chests as well as a Phoenix Feather.
At the end of the path, you’ll come across a vicious cold-breathing tiger enemy. They have a variety of powerful attacks, including their cold breath, which can’t be blocked. Attack from afar and dodge around, if you like, or simply get up close and personal, using Efreet to counteract the effects of their cold breath. Kill the beast and move on to the next save point.
The steed shrine features a couple of readable objects and three crank shafts, but you apprently can’t do much with them at the moment. Ignore them for now and head down the pathway nearby towards Helios’ Temple. After killing the enemies here, make your way down the path and start climbing the wall. There’s a corridor halfway up the wall that leads to a locked door; presumably that’ll be how you return to the steed shrine later on.
After climbing to the top of the platform and having your conversation with Athena, start poking around. If you jump into the water near the statues and wade off to the west a bit, you’ll find a Gorgon Eye in a chest. There’s also a Red Orb Chest obscured by a wall; you’ll find it near the northern pool. There’s a gate up the steps that is impassable, so head to the save point and take the elevator nearby.
After riding the elevator, head down the steps to the right to find a Phoenix Feather. With that done, head down the left stairs, kill all of the enemies that appear, and move towards the switch down there. Flipping it will open the gate that you bypassed earlier. Return to the elevator and ride it downstairs, then save your game and again and refill your health if you still have the green chest there.
As you make your way to the gate that you opened, you’ll enter into a fairly tough fight against numerous blade-wielding enemies. These guys can take a beating and can also wear down your health (especially if you fail at a minigame to kill them). Use the L+Square attack to dish out damage to a bunch of them at a time and rack up your hit combo. Eventually the grenadiers will start appearing, who drop health when killed. Kill everyone and move on. Down the hallway you’ll find another grenadier; kill him, pop the switch nearby, then open the door that you were near earlier.
Head down the hallway here. The camera might start to act up on you a bit, but try to make your way down through the corridor on your left. You’ll find a Red Orb Chest on your way. When you reach the next large room, you’ll face off against numerous birds; again, the Cyclone of Chaos (L+Square) attack is your best bet here. There are two large statues in this room. Pull them out from the walls and flip the switches behind them to open up two doors.
Head through the right door first; you’ll fight through a new enemy with golden flaming swords. He’s not terribly difficult to beat, although he’s resistant to grab moves. Use any of your combos that knock enemies up into the air and grab him up there to finish him off. When you’ve defeated all of the enemies, flip the switch in this room, then return to the larger room and head through the left door.
After saving your game, grab the chest in the hallway. Again, this might be a Gorgon Eye or Phoenix Feather if you’ve missed any of the previous ones, but for us it was green and red orbs. Head into the next large room here to find more Red Orb Chests and a Phoenix Feather.
Move onto the platform here and strike at the brakes on the chains to start your descent. The flaming swordsmen can rapidly drain your health if they back you into a corner, so do your best to avoid that by using Efreet and Cyclone of Chaos against them. After they’re all dead, a new, armored enemy will appear. Break the armor with your square, square, triangle combo (just tap the triangle; don’t hold it down). After that happens, you’ll be able to block most of the enemy’s attacks while wearing it down from a distance, and eventually kill it with a minigame.
There’s a substantial number of red orbs in the chests here, so grab them and upgrade your Blades to level three if you haven’t done so already. Move upstairs through the hallway to reach another large room with a circular platform in the center. First destroy the statue to your right for orbs, open the Red Orb Chests to your left, then push the pillar over to reach the central platform, where you’ll speak to Eos.
After your talk with Eos, check the platform for a glowing spot on the upper right, where you can tap O to pull down another platform. When you cross it, head to the right and downwards to find a Gorgon Eye and a Red Orb Chest. The red orb chests are dropping 500+ orbs at a go by this point, so do your best not to miss any of them.
Head into the throne room and destroy the throne to nab the Sun Shield. It’s not a new weapon for you, but it will let you rebuff attacks by tapping the L button just before they hit you. Handy enough for normal enemies, but you may still want to simply go all-out with your attacks on the enemies that pop up. It will also let you move through special doors, such as the one behind the throne. Before you do so, though, check out the stairwells on either side of the throne; they’ll lead to a few more Red Orb Chests and a Gorgon Eye.
After nabbing the goodies, unlock the door behind the throne and proceed through. Open the chests, then head up the stairs to reach the temple exterior again. Head up the steps, fight off the enemies, then use the Sun Shield on the indentation in the ground to reveal another stairwell leading downwards.
In the next big room, find the Red Orb Chest along the western wall, then push the two large statues into the slots in front of them. With that done, pull back the wall between them to create a makeshift ladder, then quickly jump up to the upper ramp here before it retracts back into the wall again. Doing so will place you by a door with two more Red Orb Chests inside.
With that done, return to the wall/ladder and pull it out again. When it’s fully extended, let it go and run around to the left side of it, where a small chamber awaits you. Head into the chamber and let the wall retract, which will place you on the other side of the wall. There’s a Phoenix Feather in a chest on the other side of the retracted wall.
In order to proceed onward here, pull the two statues backwards so that their beams of light are focused on the small disks above the platform between them. Then, jump up to the platform and hold L to block. Mash O when you get the prompt to light up the target across the way, which will reveal a new icon on the horse statue in the previous room. Return to the statue and light it up to power up one of the horses at the Steed Shrine, as well as reveal a new passageway leading downward.
Follow the new path downward to reach the large platform room you were in before; you’ll be on an upper balcony this time around. Nab the Gorgon Eye from the chest to your right, then proceed to the left and into the teleport there.
Save your game here, then drop into the water. The cliff leading onward is toward the top of the screen, but if you head to the bottom and swim a bit, you can find a Gorgon Eye and two Red Orb Chests. With those in hand, climb the cliff nearby to find Triton’s Lance, which will let you breathe underwater in the future.
Dive into the water and start looking around: triangle will move you upwards, square or X will move you downwards, and holding R will let you essentially charge through the water. Find the broken gate in one of the small chambers and smash through it with a charge. That will let you enter a long corridor where you’ll find a couple of Red Orb Chests and a Phoenix Feather. Keep moving until you find a switch, which, when pulled, will reveal a new climbing path that diverges from the one you took earlier. Climb up and follow it to reach a door.
Beyond the door is your first encounter with a minotaur, a very tough enemy that hits for a lot of damage. Its two primary attacks include a double swing of its sword, which can’t be blocked, and a charging horn attack that will send you flying into the air and then across the room, which also can’t be blocked. Stay mobile here as best you can and attempt to dodge out of the way of any incoming attacks while attacking from a distance. The minotaur is at least slow, so it won’t be able to hit you if you stay away from it; the charge attack can be dodged by rolling sideways, although it can be tough to spot it coming if the minotaur is off-screen. Luckily, the beast doesn’t have a huge amount of health to knock off before you can go to the minigame; unfortunately, as with the cyclops, it can be tough to spot the icon above the foe’s head since he’s so tall and the camera doesn’t really zoom out far enough. Keep an ear out for the sound that indicates you can attempt the minigame and defeat it.
Heal yourself at the chest and flip the crank nearby to reveal the passage leading on. You’ll come to Eos soon enough, who’ll tell you more about what you need to do to restore Helios to his rightful place in the sky. When you’re done speaking to her, move down to the left and follow the passage. When you come to the water, dive into it to find a chest with another Gorgon Eye inside.
Move towards the glowing object in front of you to pick up the Primordial Fire. When you have it, you’ll be able to reflect attacks back towards your enemies by tapping the L button just before they connect. This is the same as parrying a blow, but it will now work with projectile attacks…like the ones that are about to come your way from the shielded enemies in front of you. Tap the L button just before the fireballs hit you to smash the shields. Nabbing all three of them will net you the Light of Dawn magical effect, which can be used by tapping R + square.
After the shields go down, a few archer enemies will appear; you can continue to use the L button to reflect their shots to kill them; it’s probably easier than using the Light of Dawn. When you’ve cleared them out, check the hallway they were in to find a Phoenix Feather and some Red Orb Chests, then head down the steps to reach another arena area where you’ll fight more flaming swordsmen. Jump from there back down into the water and start backtracking. Going past the save point will send you through the teleport and back to the Temple of Helios.
Use the circle on the floor to create a path downwards, then take a left and head through the locked door there. You’re going to backtrack to the elevator that you took before and use it again to head upwards. This time around, though, a number of bird enemies will spawn as you ride upwards. All you should really have to do here is spam Cyclone of Chaos on them. We repeated that a billion times, managed to get our hit combo up to 250, and earned a couple thousand orbs from the little gauntlet while taking almost no damage. Enjoy!
At the top of the elevator, open the chests, then move up to the save point to find a Phoenix Feather and a save point. Save and move on.
Another shielded enemy and some archers here. You may want to deal with the archers first; you can kill them straight out with a grab and a button press. When they’re down, eliminate the shielded enemy’s armor with a square, square, triangle combo, then go to town on him to finish him off. With that done, find the Gorgon Eye in the lower left corner of the room and the Red Orb Chest in the upper right.
There’s a light-based puzzle in this room that you’ll need to solve. Begin by activating the switch on the southern end of the room. That’ll pop up a crank which focuses a beam of light on anything you aim it at. Unfortunately you can only aim it at the northernmost pods on the walls here. Begin by aiming it at the northeastern pod, then running up there and dragging out the statue there and placing it on the pressure plate nearby. (Keep in mind that you can kick these objects with the R button to speed things up a bit.)
Repeat the process with the northwestern pod. This statue has a shield that faces west. Drag it down to the southwestern pressure plate and place the statue on top of it, then head back to the crank and aim the light beam at the statue. That will redirect the beam through the statue’s shield at the southeastern pod, which will let you nab another statue. This third statue has a shield that faces east, so place it on the southeastern pressure plate, redirect the beam of light, and nab the fourth statue from the pod there. Placing all of the statues on the pressure plates will open up the ground here, revealing a statue that will redirect the beam into two directions.
What you need to do now is make something of a closed loop, which will entail moving some of the statues around. The two statues with shields that face north should be placed on the southern pressure plates. The statue with the shield that faces east should be placed in the northwestern corner, while the one with a shield that faces west should go in the northeastern corner. If you then aim the beam of light at the splitting statue, it’ll hit the southern statues, then hit the northern statues, which will aim it at each other. If you jump up into the beam of light that is concentrated between them, you’ll be able to press L and mash O to power up the statue nearby and restore one of the steeds.
Head back to the crank which emitted the light beam and use the O button again to make the elevator pop up. Head downwards to the platform below you. To the west is a Red Orb Chest, to the north a Phoenix Feather, and to the east a doorway leading on.
Follow the corridor until you jump up the makeshift stairwell. There’s a Gorgon Eye in a chest along the right wall here. Push the statue on the right upwards into its little slot, then attack it to destroy its head. With that done, hop onto the head and use L + O to power up the horse statue above you. That will let you access it with your fist of light and complete the trilogy of horses outside.
Head out the doorway here and climb down the cliff to reach the bottom. You’ll be attacked by more enemies as you do so. Take them down and move on. The second group will feature multiple banshees, so you may want to weaken them up with a couple rounds of Efreet before starting the minigame on them.
When you reach the steeds, turn the cranks to power them up, then use the glowing spot nearby to move on to the next phase of your adventure.
Start making your way across the wall-crawling here, then hit R to drop down near the two statues. Jump across the gap, then walk up the ramp a bit. You might’ve seen that Red Orb Chest in the distance; to reach it, you’ll need to double jump straight up into the ceiling to grab onto a wall-crawl path there and scootch over to the chest. You’ll also find a Gorgon Eye nearby. With that done, return to the path you were on before and jump across to the far side. The enemies that appear here are dangerous if they grapple you, but not very aggressive; use your triangle button attack to finish them off.
At the top of the cliff, you’ll meet Gorgons, which will attempt to zap you with their stone vision. Roll around to avoid it, or hit them with Efreet to disrupt this attack. If they hit you while you’re turned to stone, it’s game over, so avoid it! Kill all of the Gorgons to move on.
After the Gorgons are dead, you’ll head through a small stone doorway. On the far side of this doorway is a statue to your south. Destroy it, then move down to the cliff’s edge there to find a secret path that you can follow to reach a hidden Phoenix Feather.
Return to the stairs and proceed up them to reach another tough fight. Two cyclops will attack you here, with soldiers popping up from time to time to annoy you. Wear down the cyclopes with Efreet (making sure to hit both of them with it), dodge away from their attacks, and use the 3x triangle combo on them to deal heavy damage. The 3x triangle combo (called Spirit of Hercules) also works well on the soldiers, since it knocks them up into the air and prevents them from hitting you. After the two cyclopes die, another one will appear a few moments later, so be sure to nab the health from the chest if you need it! There’s a semi-hidden Red Orb Chest on the small dias in this area, behind a ruined pillar.
After killing all the enemies, jump up across the gap that becomes accessible and fight off the birds. The shaky-looking wall to the north can be destroyed to reveal a Gorgon Eye and a Red Orb Chest. Head off to the east a bit to find an impassible river of blood. In order to get across, head towards the wall to the north. You see that little platform in the middle of this area? You can reach it by destroying the wall to its right. The screen doesn’t shake when you attack the wall, but after enough Cyclones of Chaos it will fall, allowing you to pull the platform out, place it near the green chest, and jump up to it. Climb up to the handholds behind the waterfall and move on over to the east, then drop down.
After killing the soldiers, attack the pillar here and push it over with the O button to crush a passageway nearby. Save your game, and don’t miss the Red Orb Chest near the save point. Climb up onto the handholds nearby and work your way over them to reach the next big fight.
Two shielded enemies and a flock of birds will be going up against you at this point. Unfortunately for you, it’s difficult to take on both enemies at the same time. The birds are easy enough to kill with Cyclone of Chaos, but if that attack hits the shieldbearers too often, they’ll counterattack for a large amount of damage. Your best bet is to dodge or run away from the shieldbearers and quickly strike at the birds until they stop respawning, then go to town on the two shieldbearers.
The shieldbearers are tough to take down, thanks to their ability to block your attacks, but you can now use square, square, triangle as well as triangle, triangle, triangle to knock their shields off. TTT will probably cause them to counterattack if all of the blows hit, however, so you may want to aim the first two attacks in the combo away from your enemies, then hit them with the final blow to knock away their shields. After that, aerial Cyclones of Chaos, or repeated TTT’s, will be good at knocking away their health. If you run low on health of your own (and you likely will), try to lure them off to a far corner of the battlefield, then rush back to the health chest to load up.
Killing both shieldbearers will open a door a bit backwards from your path. Head into it and follow the path leading onward. You’ll find a Gorgon Eye before the next fight, which is another birds-and-shieldbearers combo. What’s more annoying here are the spinning blades that coast along the floor. They appear fairly regularly, though, so they are avoidable if you time your movements in accordance with the sounds of the blades coming out.
Head down the walkway leading onward and save your game after nabbing the Red Orb Chest. Ringing the bell here will summon Charon, the ferryman that will lead you on your journey across the river Styx. Unfortunately he balks at the task of escorting a living soul, being accustomed to dealing with the dead. A boss fight ensues.
The beginning section of this boss fight is fairly typical. You may be worried about entering the fight, since you didn't have an opportunity to refill your health and mana before entering. At any rate, Charon has two major attacks here. One is a simple three-sweep scythe attack which finishes with him throwing his scythe at you (all of which can be blocked), while the other will see him throwing three small balls of energy in your direction, which you can dodge.
At any rate, you can attack Charon all you want, but at 50% health, he'll warp to an inaccessible part of the level and kill you instantly. Thus begins the next phase of this level.
Break your chains here, then head toward the bottom of the screen to find a save point and a Phoenix Feather. Start making your way back to the north, killing the chained civilians on the walls to regain your health. (They're already dead; it's not like they can get any deader.) At the fork in the road, take the right passage to fight some enemies and eventually find a chest that will fill up your mana.
Return to the fork and head left to meet up with a few harpies. These are very similar to the bird enemies you faced before, in that all you really need to do is use Cyclone of Chaos over and over again until everything is dead. Move on to the next fight, against soldiers and archers. Whip the archers first with Cyclone of Chaos, then finish them off with a grab move to get your orb bonus. After killing everything, walk along the chain to the north toward another save point.
Climb the cliffs here, using your triangle attack for auto-kills on the enemies. A gorgon and some harpies will attack you at the top, so finish them off and poke around for chests. There's a Red Orb Chest off to the right a bit, as well as another chest to the left. This is probably either a Gorgon Eye or Phoenix Feather if you've missed any of the previous pick-ups, but for us it was simply a chest full of orbs.
Pull the two statues of the gods into the slots in front of them, then use the crank that appears to rotate the statue of Zeus to move on. A rather difficult fight ensues, as two minotaurs will appear one after the other while archers pelt you from the sidelines. Go after the archers first; grab attacks automatically kill them. When they're down, the minotaurs are a bit easier to kill. Again, they hit hard, but can't take a huge amount of damage. Use your power combos on them to start the minigame and finish both of them off.
When the stairs to the left unlock themselves, head up towards the save point and save. The ruined wall nearby can be attacked and destroyed; check the balcony outside for a Red Orb Chest. Although it's difficult to spot, you can sidle up to the wall just outside the cracked doorway you just created and slide across the northern wall to the other side of the room. Destroy the cracked wall there to find a switch and a Phoenix Feather.
Flip the switch, then drop down and head through the stairs that have opened up. At the top, you'll find a throne with a skeleton on it. Grab the prize from the chest here (again, it's probably either an Eye or a Feather if you're short, but for us it was a bevy of orbs), then nab the Cryptkeeper's Key on the wall. Push the throne off of the platform, then hop down and place the Cryptkeeper on the pressure plate in the middle of the arena. Doing so will raise a keyhole nearby; put the key into it to extend a platform leading on.
Grab the chests here (one of them is another Egg/Feather catch-up chest). Two shieldbearers will pop up when you enter the temple. If you've fully upgraded your Blades of Chaos, then the Tartarus Rage move will be a good way to drop their shields and keep them knocked around so that they can't attack you.
After defeating the two shieldbearers, use the noted spot in the middle of the room to pull down the Gauntlet of Zeus, the second of the two weapons in Chains of Olympus. It acts somewhat like the Cerberus or Gilgamesh weapons from Devil May Cry; slow but powerful attacks that can be charged up by holding down the attack buttons. The enemies that spawn here will have shields that you'll need to break, in fact; do so by holding down the square button and charging into them, then finish them off as normal.
Tip:The Gauntlets will be an important weapon here, so you should focus on upgrading them from now on. You should be getting plenty of orbs. They only have three levels to upgrade, and their most powerful attack, Olympic Thunder, will come in handy in multiple situations later on, especially in its aerial variation.
Run backwards past the corpse of the gatekeeper and smash the doorway with your fist attack. You may want to upgrade your Gauntlet to level 2 here, as its upgraded attack, the Olympic Strike, will be a one-shot kill on any obstacles you encounter. You'll have to kill some stuff quickly as you make your way back to the Temple of the Gods, as a spike trap will follow you. At any rate, return to the three statues and destroy the rightmost one to find another catch-up chest.
Destroying the statue of Hades will let you move on. There are two paths near the harpies; one to the right, across a chain, and one on the wall to the upper-left. Head up the upper-left cliff to reach a room where gorgons and shielded soldiers will attack you. Start dashing around the room with the Gauntlet's charged attacks to drop the soldiers' shields, or use it on the gorgons to prevent their stone strike. It might be worth knocking away the shields, then attempting to focus on the Gorgons. The soldiers are annoying but don't strike very hard, and you can grab them and start a throw move on them to disrupt the stone attack of the Gorgons if need be.
When you kill the enemies here, recharge your health and turn the crank in the floor to drop a platform in the distance a bit. Return down the cliff and cross the chains to reach another cliff. Save your game and drop down off the fall nearby. You'll be facing off against an armored cyclops here and more harpies. Kill the harpies first while avoiding the cyclops, then knock its armor off and go to town on it. It's probably best to switch back to the Blades of Chaos to finish it off, and it may even be easier to knock its armor off that way, as well.
With the cyclops dead, knock the stone off the western crank, wait for both of them to pop up, then crank both of the cranks to create the path leading onwards. Jump across to the next corridor and move along until you reach the next little cutscene that reveals the torments of the Titans. There'll be another catch-up chest nearby.
There's a cliff nearby. Climb up it, then look for the path that leads off to the left and climb that way. That will lead you to no fewer than three catch-up chests, so if you've been bad about collecting your Feathers and Eyes, this is a good time to get back up to speed.
Return to the cliff and head up to fight off a minotaur. If you've managed to upgrade the Gauntlet of Zeus, then jumping up into the air and using the L+O combo will do wonders on the minotaur. When it's dead, use either Light of Dawn magic or the Sun Shield's reflective properties to take out the archers in the distance. With that done, break the stone atop one of the cranks and turn both of them. One of them will lead you to a Red Orb Chest, while the other will lead you up to Hyperion.
Head through the cave here, defeat the soldiers and archers, and flip the switches. That will let you climb the cliff nearby to reach another switch, which will free Hyperion's head. With that done, drop down to where the two switches were located, then run towards the now-open wall to reach Hyperion. A short cutscene plays, after which you can move on via the cliff to the next save point.
You'll come to a crank-pulling game here; you have to turn the cranks so that you can reach the far end of the chain, but enemies will appear and attempt to attack you, which will cause the gear to start moving backwards. It moves backwards fairly slowly, so as long as you kill your enemies in short order, you should be fine. Try either throwing them off or using your charged square attack with the Gauntlet to knock them backwards off the ramp. With that done, you'll need to punch the little spike near the end of the chains to reach a cliff leading out of Tartarus.
Fight off the enemies in the trap room here and move down the path towards Charon's dock. Save your game, then use the Gauntlet to bust through the gate and move on to Charon.
Charon is back, and this time he's a bit meaner than he was before. He has multiple phases, each one separated by another by another jump atop his health-regeneration platform. This time, though, you can prevent this process from taking place.
This phase is basically identical to the one that you went through earlier. Charon will use his scythe attacks, then switch to flinging balls of energy at you. Use regular attacks on Charon (as opposed to holding the L button for combos) so that you can quickly block his attacks or dodge away as necessary. When he starts flinging orbs around, don't dodge them this time; reflect them back to him with your shield by tapping L just before they connect to you.
After Charon hops aboard his little pedestal on the eastern edge of the arena, run over so that you're underneath him, switch to the Gauntlet, and quickly use a charged attack on one of the pillars beneath him to break it and prevent him from fully refilling his health.
This phase is much more difficult than the first, since Charon will begin using his powerful magical attack on you, Charon's Wrath. If this hits you, you'll be locked up for a few moments, take damage, and be prevented from attacking or moving, allowing Charon to hit you. You must dodge most of these attacks, or you'll be significantly weakened in this phase. It's best to simply stay away from Charon as best you can, watch for his beginning animation (which looks like he's sucking up his breath), then dodge to either side. Alternately, if you're up close to Charon, you can dodge in his direction, which will probably send you rocketing off behind him, allowing you to dodge this attack. Again, just use normal attacks here; if you use a combo, like Cyclone of Chaos, you won't be able to dodge in the middle of it and will almost always be hit by Charon's Wrath, which hurts.
If you're having a hard time keeping your finger on the L+R buttons and also using your thumb to move around (it can really hurt your hand!), try placing the bottom of the PSP up against your chest and using pressure from your hands to hold it in place.
Charon stops using his breath attack, thankfully, and resorts to warping around the arena and smashing his scythe into the ground. This will cause mini-explosions that will deal no damage if you're either far away or jump over them. After two of these mini-explosions, a larger one will occur in the center of the arena. You'll have to jump over this one, but if you do, you'll be able to whack on Charon for a good length of time before he can counteract. He'll also throw orbs at you, but these can be reflected for health.
After the impaling of Charon at the end of phase three, he'll launch himself into the air and fling orbs at you from up above after you attempt to grab his mask on the ground. These orbs move much more quickly than they did before, but you'll still need to reflect them back at him. After he falls from the sky, start the minigame again to finish Charon off.
When the boat lands, start using Charon's Wrath on the enemies that appear. As it did for you, it stuns them and causes them to bounce around while taking damage. Try knocking enemies up into the air with your Blades of Chaos, then targeting them with Charon's Wrath in mid-air. It's fun!
Save your game and head into the temple here. There are two catch-up chests in the first room, so nab the orbs inside and head up the stairs. There's a fairly close-quarters battle here with more of the devil-dogs that you faced before and some grenadiers. Holding down the L button to guard while periodically using your square attack with the Gauntlet seems to be a good strategy to weakening up the devil-dogs. You can also use Charon's Wrath to lock up large numbers of enemies, if you like.
When you finish off your foes, nab the Red Orb Chests and the catch-up chest hidden by the camera on the bottom and right sides of the area, then head upstairs to the closed door and use O to open it. The next large room will feature a number of masks and a horde of easy enemies. Use Charon's Wrath to lock up the enemies (it's easier if you've upgraded it once) while using the L+square attack with the Gauntlet on the masks to break them. (If you've fully upgraded the Gauntlet, then the Olympic Thunder aerial attack, which can be performed by jumping over a mask and holding L+Triangle, is even better.) Keep moving here; if you're caught in one of the green beams here, you'll probably be petrified and killed.
The next big fight will consist of first one armored cyclops, then two cyclopes, with harpies filling in for the annoyance factor. Stick with the Blades of Chaos here, wear off the cyclops' armor, and hit them from long range with normal attacks while dodging away from their blows. After a while you'll be able to minigame them to death. You can either use Charon's Wrath on the harpies or devote some of your attacks to them while you're safe from the cyclopes.
When you're done, open the door to the north first to find some chests, then open the door on the eastern side of the area to head upstairs after Calliope. Another mask room awaits. Use Olympic Thunder if you have it to clear up the area a bit, beat the enemies, and move on.
The next large area will have more armored minotaurs. You can use any armor-breaking attacks to defeat them, but the aerial Olympic Thunder move works pretty well for wearing them down after the armor breaks. You'll still be vulnerable to their charge attack while you jump, but most of their other attacks will swing below you harmlessly.
After defeating the minotaurs, move to the crank platform in the elevator shaft nearby and start cranking yourself upwards. There are broken bits of the wall that can be smashed to find items and enemies, as well as a whole doorway that will lead you to a catchup chest. There's another gauntlet at the top of the area, with some new Gorgons that will attempt to coil themselves around you and petrify you, which will probably result in a quick death in this area. Use either Charon's Wrath or aerial Olympic Thunders to keep yourself clear of enemies. When they die off, an armored cyclops will appear. Kill it to drop the barriers in the doorways here. To the east, you can find a couple of chests, while the northern exit will feature another save point.
After a lengthy cutscene here, use your weapons on the tree here, then walk through the portal to meet with Calliope. Another lengthy cutscene ensues, after which you have to pry Calliope off of your leg. When you do so, you'll be very weak. Track down the ghosts that run around the groves here and use the circle button to snap their necks. As you do so, you'll gain more strength and more of your abilities will come back to you. Numerous soldiers will also appear to harass you, but they can be ignored or run away from. Grab as many ghosts as you can, and you'll eventually regain all of your abilities and weapons.
Eventually, after you're completely restored, the red shield on the northern edge of the grove will disappear. Grab enough ghosts to top off your health, then head through. Another little gauntlet will appear, consisting of a devil-dog followed by a shieldbearer and assorted smaller foes. Aerial Olympic Thunder for the win!
This is the last save point in the game, so take advantage of it. As you walk up the stairs, Persephone will attempt to fly away. You'll automatically grab her and ride with her up to the top of the tower above, where the final boss fight begins.
At first, Persephone will attack you with her melee attacks. She's quick and doesn't take much damage, but you can wear her down over time. She has a fairly simple strike combo at first, paired with a more powerful minotaur-esque charge maneuver. After a while, she'll start pulling pieces of the ground up and flinging them at you, but these can be double-jumped over relatively easily.
We liked to use the Gauntlet here, if only because its combos are a bit shorter than those of the Blades. We stuck with aerial combos, and double-jumped near Persephone's head while using the Lightning Thrash ability (L + O). That gets a few good hits in on Persephone, and keeps you floating in the air so that most of her attacks will be avoided. Her charge attack deals a massive amount of damage, and you will get hit a few times here no matter how good you are, so work on draining her health as quickly as possible.
You will get a magic refill after this phase is over, so be sure to use Charon's Wrath here to wear down Persephone. Just be wary of getting too far away from her; if you get close to the top edge of the screen and and she disappears off to the bottom, it'll be impossible to see when the boulders come your way, making it difficult to avoid them.
After a lot of jumping around, you'll move on to…
This is a simple mini-game section that will be brief. As Atlas attempts to swat you from the sky, you can chain him in place against the bottom of the world with a few simple button presses. After you're done, you'll be completely healed and ready for the last phase of the fight.
Persephone will appear on one of the pillars in the distance here, a bit outside of your weapon range, although you can still hit her with Light of Dawn. What this phase consists of, however, is her using a few different attacks on you. She has a ball of green light that she throws at you, which we'll discuss in a moment; a beam of green energy that slowly sweeps across the floor and should be avoided; and lastly pillars of green energy that will track your movement and attempt to ensnare you. If you get caught in a pillar, you'll be unable to move, but you can apparently dodge out.
Tip:The large golden circle on the floor here doesn't do anything for you at the beginning of this fight. Just ignore it until later.
At the outset of the fight, you can easily knock Persephone from her roost by using your shield just as the ball of green energy hits you. If you do so, you'll reflect it back at her and knock her off the pillar, allowing you to run over and use an aerial combo on her. The L+O combo for the Blades of Chaos works pretty well.
That's basically what you want to do throughout this fight, really. The only way to deal consistent damage to her, outside of spells, is to catch the green orbs and fling them back at Persephone. Eventually she'll wise up and start reflecting your own reflections back at you, which you will then have to catch and reflect again; these reflection wars can go on for four or five reflections before she's eventually knocked off the pedestal. Eventually she will be, however, and you can continue your rampage on her while she hangs. The green orbs will eventually become a less frequent part of her attack suite, so you'll need to be ready when they come your way.
After enough repetitions of this cycle, Persephone will fall to the ground. At this point, you need to stand in the golden circle on the ground and hit L to redirect the sun at her. Mash O for a bit to concentrate the beam, then let go as soon as that prompt disappears. A few buttons in a minigame will appear. Hitting them successfully will win the game! Hooray!