Some big Pokemon news is coming this week, it seems. Nintendo and The Pokemon Company announced today that "exciting news" about Pokemon will be announced during a Nintendo Direct tomorrow, June 6, starting at 7 AM PT.
Tune in on June 6 at 7am PT/10am ET for #Pokemon news in a special, 8-minute Pokémon Direct.
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) June 5, 2017
The briefing is only 8 minutes long, according to Nintendo.
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Now Playing: GS News Update: "Exciting" Pokemon News Coming Tomorrow During Latest Nintendo Direct
No further details were provided about what to expect. We don't know if this is a game reveal or something else, but we'll report back a page where you can watch the livestream and bring you all the details as they're announced.
Recently, The Wall Street Journal reported that new Pokemon (and Zelda) titles were headed to mobile. Before that, a report claimed that a version of Pokemon Sun/Moon called Pokemon Stars is coming to Nintendo Switch.
What are you hoping to see from tomorrow's event? Let us know in the comments below!