Eidos has released an official list of games that it will be showing at E3 2003. Along with Commandos 3, Deus Ex: Invisible War, Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness, and Republic: The Revolution, The Italian Job, and Backyard Wrestling: Don't Try This at Home, Eidos will be showing a few other games that have been shrouded in secrecy.
One of these will be Legacy of Kain: Defiance, which is currently in development for the PlayStation 2 and the Xbox. In this action adventure game, players will be able to take control of either Raziel or Kain, both of whom have powerful weapons that they must use to fight their way through a variety of different enemies. In addition, both will have telekinetic abilities that let them manipulate enemies and various objects in the environment.
Chain Gang, which will also be released on the PlayStation 2 and Xbox, puts players in control of a pair of animals--Spanx and Redmond--that have been chained together. Players can take direct control of Spanx, while Redmond will be used as a weapon to attack enemies or interact with objects in the environment. The two characters have to make their way out of an animal-testing research facility.
The Xbox and PC versions of Thief 3 will also be shown at Eidos' booth. Players will once again assume the role of the thief, Garret, who will have to use his stealth skills to avoid or get the jump on enemies. We'll have full coverage of these games at the show.