The doors of the Los Angeles Convention Center opened today for E3 and its attendees. Thousands filtered through the halls, making their way through the onslaught of sights and sounds coming from every direction. But the show floor wasn't the only happening place to be--we also had some big press conferences from Nintendo and Sony, both of which took the time to show off their latest wares. We had some pretty major stuff at the GameSpot booth too, with stage demos of some huge games like Fable III, Star Wars: Force Unleashed II, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Rock Band 3, and more! As always, you can check out all of our E3 updates here, but for a quick rundown of today's biggest stories, just scroll on down.
Press Conferences
Nintendo E3 2010 Press Conference Sony E3 2010 Press Conference
LiveCam Tour
Day 1 Highlights
Zelda: Skyward Sword unsheathed at Nintendo round table PlayStation Move hits NA Sept. 19 Nintendo debuts 3DS, new Wii Zelda Gran Turismo 5 revs up November 2 Portal 2, Steamworks PS3-bound in 2011 OnLive woos free Founding Members, launch lineup detailed Uncharted 3 set for fall 2011 PlayStation Plus launches June 29 Third-parties prepping dozens for 3DS
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Hands-On Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Hands-On Nintendogs + Cats Hands-On Killzone 3 Impressions Twisted Metal First Impressions Donkey Kong Country Returns Hands-On Crackdown 2 Demo Impressions Shogun: Total War Impressions Kid Icarus Uprising Impressions The Sly Collection Hands-On Mortal Kombat Hands-On Heroes on the Move Impressions Little Big Planet 2 Impressions Deus Ex: Human Revolution Impressions Star Wars: The Old Republic Updated Impressions Kirby's Epic Yarn Impressions Dead Space 2 Impressions Spec Ops: The Line Updated Impressions Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Hands-On Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Multiplayer Impressions Epic Mickey Impressions
Stage Show Demos
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Killzone 3 Call of Duty: Black Ops Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 Rock Band 3 Fable III Dead Space 2
Floor Check-In - Microsoft Kinect Gears of War 3 Beast Demo Star Wars: The Old Republic Stage Demo Mortal Kombat Interview Portal 2 Teaser Trailer Twisted Metal Trailer The Sly Collection Trailer Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Trailer Child of Eden Interview Driver SF Pre-E3 Movie
Gut Reactions: Nintendo E3 Press Conference Gut Reactions: Sony E3 Press Conference Nintendo 3DS Hands-On Preview