Project Ego can be best described as a mixture of role-playing and adventure elements. In the game, players are responsible for actions that determine their character's skills, appearance, and morality. In this context, players will experience the game character's evolution from childhood to death. They can grow from an inexperienced child into the most powerful being in the world, choose the path of righteousness, or dedicate their life to evil. According to developer Big Blue Box, even the muscles will expand with every feat of strength, and force of will increases with each work of wit. Even skin will tan in the sunlight, and the lead character will earn scars in battles and lines of experience with age.
Combat in the game will be very diverse, with players having the choice of mastering an array of weapons like swords or using stealth or magic. It's also possible for players to build a name for their character across the gameworld, as they can recruit allies and followers, gain glory or notoriety, and make friends and enemies, and people and environments react to the player's character. Peter Molyneux, who is overseeing development of the first title developed by Lionhead's satellite studio, has repeatedly mentioned the complexity of the project, with the game featuring dynamic weather systems, as well as deformable environments filled with cultures, creatures, citizens, and cities. Players can learn to ride steeds, master the art of thievery, and acquire pets, clothing, or even tattoos. We hope to see more of Project Ego as soon as the doors of E3 open tomorrow. Project Ego is scheduled for release exclusively for the Microsoft Xbox in 2003.