Released for the PlayStation 2 earlier this year, Dynasty Warriors 5 is an action game in which you assume the role of one of 48 (six of them are new since DW4) legendary Chinese warriors as you fight your way through hordes of enemy soldiers while negotiating large battlefields. You're not taking on your enemies single-handedly, though, since you'll have an army of your own on the battlefield. Furthermore, you'll have at least one bodyguard (and perhaps a tiger) who will stick closely to you at all times.
Dynasty Warriors 5 boasts a total of 38 battlefield environments, each 30 percent larger than those found in last year's game. Dynasty Warriors 5 can also support twice as many characters onscreen simultaneously as its predecessor, making for some truly epic battles.
We'll bring you more information on the Xbox version of Dynasty Warriors 5 as soon as we get our hands on a copy of the game. In the meantime, you might be interested in checking out our full review of the PS2 original.