Media Molecule has updated the content usage terms for Dreams, allowing creators to use their creations for both personal and commercial use outside of the game.
In a post on the studio's official blog, the team has detailed the most recent update for Dreams on PlayStation platforms, thereby also mentioning that creators can use their created content outside of the game. This doesn't apply to all created content, and creators will still require permission from another creator if his or her content is being used for personal or commercial use.
"As we look towards the end of Dreams’ live service later this year, we’re eager to get to a place where creators can use their content created in Dreams outside of that space for personal use"., the team writes. "While this can’t cover all content, our updated Dreams Content Usage Terms allows for music, animation, films and art created in Dreams to be used for both personal and commercial use outside of the game."
Players will need to download and install the game's latest Dreams update and agree with the updated usage of terms before using created content within Dreams for both personal and commercial use.
Aside from the blog post, Media Molecule has also updated the content usage FAQ detailing which content can be used and whether you'll need permission from another creator before doing so. With regard to using content from another creator, the FAQ reads as follows:
"Only if you have obtained the other creator’s consent to use for your intended purpose. Much like the creations that you make in Dreams, each user has their own rights (called intellectual property rights) in the creations that they make. This means that if you use someone’s creation outside of Dreams without their permission, you may be infringing their intellectual property rights."
An interesting change to the usage terms and it will be interesting to see how created Dreams content will be used commercially.
Dreams launched back in 2020, and as covered some months ago, live support for the game will end this September as the team is shifting its focus to another project. Here's what we wrote about the creation game in our launch review:
"Dreams is only in its infancy at the moment and I fully expect to see the full potential of the platform take months to achieve", we wrote. "However, even days after its official release, there are already a great number of Dreams that give me hope for the platform. Even multiplayer and PlayStation VR support are both in development and should arrive sooner rather than later. This is one creative platform that I hope persists for a long time and even makes its way onto next-generation consoles. If you've had a great idea for a game, stop dreaming how to do it and do it instead (in Dreams)."