The Diablo 4 best Necromancer builds follow a certain trend: minions laying waste to foes. From there, we can think of various ideas depending on certain skill sets, such as Blood or Bone. Here's our guide to help you with the best Necromancer builds in Diablo 4.
Table of Contents [hide]Diablo 4 best Necromancer builds guideRelated Necromancer class guidesLeveling buildHemo/Blood Nova Summoner NecroHemo/Bone Spear Summoner NecroSacrificed Summons Bone Spear Necro
Skills and spells overviewTalents and passives overviewBook of the Dead class mechanicBest Legendary Aspects for the NecroDungeon locations/Codex of PowerOccultist mechanics: Imprinting and extractingThe Necro class itself tends to be one of the most powerful and beginner-friendly, primarily due to healing sources and having nearly a dozen minions at your beck and call. However, when considering Diablo 4 best Necromancer builds, it's worth adding that you're hampered by a limited selection of active skills, since your Raise Skeleton and Summon Golem abilities already take up two out of the six default slots.
You're down to four default action keys/binds due to Skeletal Minions and your Golem, but they sure make a world of difference.
Active skills
Hemorrhage: Enhanced - Initiate'sBlood Surge (5): Enhanced - ParanormalCorpse Explosion: Enhanced - PlaguedDecrepify: Enhanced - HorridArmy of the Dead: Prime - SupremePassive skills
Hewed FleshSkeletal Warrior MasteryAmplify DamageBook of the Dead
Skeletal Warriors: ReapersSkeletal Mages: ColdGolem: Bone
Meanwhile, your undead minions do a lot of heavy lifting. Not only do they chip away at the HP of hostiles, but they'll also manage to distract some of them, leaving you free to cast and blast. It's a bit like standing around and holding the A button until you get bored. However, bear in mind that further enhancing your capabilities depends on acquiring certain Legendary Aspects. Examples include those that boost Skeletal Warriors and Cold Skeletal Mages (via legendary item extraction), Blood-Bathed Aspect (an additional Blood Surge nova explosion), and Blood Mist's damage-over-time (also via legendary item extraction).
These are from a partially completed build during the review access stage. Active skills
Hemorrhage (1/5): Enhanced - Initiate'sBlood Surge: Enhanced - ParanormalBlood Mist (1/5): Enhanced - Ghastly (corpse generation) or Dreadful (extra Fortify)Army of the Dead: Prime - SupremePassive skills
Unliving EnergyPerfectly ImbalancedSkeletal Warrior MasterySkeletal Mage MasteryDeath's EmbraceDeath's ReachGruesome MendingTransfusionCoalesced BloodTides of BloodDrain VitalityGolem MasteryBonded in EssenceDeath's DefenseInspiring LeaderHellbent CommanderKalan's EdictBook of the Dead
Skeletal Warriors: Skirmishers - Choose the first perk if you want an extra Skeletal Warrior; choose the second once you've built up a lot of crit chance.Skeletal Mages: Cold - The second perk makes frozen enemies vulnerable, which is an exceptional choice once you have the Legendary Aspect that gives +2 Skeletal Mages and Cold Mages that cast Blizzard.Golem: Blood - The second perk is ideal due to how tanky the Blood Golem is, especially when you can regularly keep it in tip-top shape. That leads to consistent uptime for the buff.
Active skills
Hemorrhage (1/5): Enhanced - Initiate'sBone Spear: Enhanced - ParanormalBlood Mist (1/5): No upgradesCorpse Tendrils (1/5): Enhanced - PlaguedArmy of the Dead: Prime - SupremePassive skills
Hewed FleshUnliving Energy (1/3)Imperfectly BalancedSkeletal Warrior MasteryGrim Harvest (1/3)Fueled by DeathSkeletal Mage MasteryDeath's EmbraceDeath's ReachSerration (1/3)Compound FractureEvulsionBonded in Essence (1/3)Death's DefenseInspiring LeaderHellbent CommanderKalan's EdictBook of the Dead
Skeletal Warriors: Skirmishers - Perk 2 once you have high crit chanceSkeletal Mages: Cold - Perk 2Golem: Iron - Sacrifice
Active skills
Bone Splinters (1/5): Enhanced - Acolyte'sBone Spear: Enhanced - ParanormalBlood Mist (1/5): No upgradesCorpse Explosion: Enhanced - Plagued Alternative: Decrepify (1/5): Enhanced - AbhorrentCorpse Tendrils (1/5): Enhanced - PlaguedBone Storm: Prime - SupremePassive skills
Hewed FleshUnliving Energy (1/3)Imperfectly BalancedGrim HarvestFueled by DeathDeath's EmbraceDeath's ReachSerrationCompound FractureEvulsionOssified EssenceBook of the Dead
Skeletal Warriors: Skirmishers - SacrificeSkeletal Mages: Cold - SacrificeGolem: Iron - SacrificeIn any case, these are some of the Diablo 4 best Necromancer builds that we've tried during the beta and review stages of the game. We'll definitely add more as we continue to grind, loot, and progress once the game has officially launched.
Diablo 4 has numerous classes, mechanics, and activities. For more about the game, you can visit our D4 guides hub.
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