Destiny 2's Solstice event is live for the next few weeks, and like last year, it has some great armor to collect. The Candescent sets are unlocked at the start of Solstice and are used to earn a new currency in the game called Silver Leaves, which can be converted into Silver Ash through the Bonfire Bash activity. Once you have enough Silver Ash--and Kindling materials--you can then use it to upgrade each piece of your Solstice armor and improve its overall stats. Here's how it all works, including how to get Silver Leaves, Silver Ash, Kindling.
There is another method that fans have found for farming Silver Leaves through the Witch Queen's Investigation campaign mission. It's slightly complex and you do need an extra player to assist you, but it does hand over a substantial amount of Silver Leaves with each successful run. If you're interested to see how it works before Bungie patches the exploit, you can check out this video from Fallout Plays.
Any Silver Leaves you have will instantly be converted into Silver Ash at a rate of 1:5 depending on how many Igniter balls you threw into the fire. For every Silver Leaf you have, you'll get five Silver Ash in return per lobbed ball. For example, if you hit the Bonfire Bash cap of 20 Igniter balls, you'll get 20 x 5 Silver Leaves to Silver Ash conversions.
You can increase the Kindling on each armor piece permanently, and then reroll armor stats a limited number of times using Silver Ash. Once your armor piece has been kindled, any future drops of that gear will have the same Kindling level as well. If you want to prepare your loadout for the event challenges, you can read the full list of them below:
Bashing Success - Complete the Bonfire Bash activityGood Ignite - Defeat Ignition Carriers in the Bonfire Bash activityTorch the Taken - Defeat Taken in the Bonfire BashFuel for the Fire - Stoke the flames in the Bonfire BashFuel for the Fire II - Stoke more flames in the Bonfire BashFuel for the Fire III - Stoke even more flames in the Bonfire BashAsh Tray - Collect Silver AshAll around the bonfire - Complete the Bonfire Bash against all combatant racesSuperlative - Defeat targets with Super abilitiesLike wildfire - Defeat targets anywhere in the system. Defeating Guardians awards bonus progressPyromania - Defeat combatants with solar abilitiesFire Power - Defeat combatants or opposing Guardians with power weaponsBurn them down - Defeat bosses anywhere in the systemShotgun Solstice - Defeat targets with shotgunsForged in Flame - Defeat opposing Guardians in any activityHand Lighter - Defeat targets with hand cannonsDare to dream - Complete runs of the Blind Well or Dares of Eternity to earn Silver LeavesSolstice Jubilee - Complete public events on any destination to earn Silver LeavesLamplighter - Complete patrols on any destination to earn Silver LeavesRaking the Coals - Complete playlist activities to earn Silver LeavesFires of Competition - Complete matches in Crucible or Gambit playlists to earn Silver LeavesIn the Hot Seat - Complete activities within the Throne World to earn Silver LeavesA Spark in the Dark - Complete Sever missions or rounds of Altars of Sorrow to earn Silver LeavesBrightfall - Complete Vanguard Ops or Nightfalls to earn Silver Leaves
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