Gaming News
CS: GO 4th August Patch - Content Analysis
CS: GO 4th August Patch - Content Analysis-March 2024
Mar 30, 2025 7:18 PM

  This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site onGamers.com, which was dedicated to esports coverage.


Front-End Changes


Added ESL One Cologne 2014 Legends Sticker CapsuleAdded ESL One Cologne 2014 Challengers Sticker Capsule


Added the Cologne 2014 Pick'Em Challenge, available in the WATCH menu. http://www.counter-strike.net/pickem/eslcologne2014


Added sv_server_graphic2 that specifies a 220x45 image that is placed above the right side team.Renamed sv_server_graphic to sv_server_graphic1.Fixed classic static crosshair (cl_crosshairstyle 4) not being totally static.

Release of the Cologne 2014 Pick'Em Challenge ESL One Team Stickers!

The next $250k major CS:GO tournament is only a few weeks away... In preparement for the event, Valve just released the team stickers and a new feature called Pick'Em Challenge.


Pick'Em Challenge Splash Page

Valve has released a splash page detailing the new feature called "Pick'Em Challenge". With the introductions of team stickers within this patch; this page explains that they will be used as a game piece for the "Pick'Em Challenge". The user will gain points for each prediction they guess right. If enough points are earned then the user will be awarded a trophy for their accomplishment that will be featured in their inventory. This feature creates another level of connection to the fans from the tournament and teams. Find more information at: http://www.counter-strike.net/pickem/eslcologne2014

  Image of the awards that are given out for the challenge and the requirements needed to achieve them.Additionally a leaderboard will be activated during the tournament giving the user the possibility of competing with their friends and earning more points.

New Tournament Watch Tab

The EMS One Katowice tournament page has been replaced with the ESL One Cologne page for the upcoming tournament. At the current moment the page only features the "Pick'Em Challenge" but will be expanded upon it's appearance for the tournament.

  Current Tournament Watch PageAdded display to the watch tab on the main menu bar now alerts and suggests to the users about this new feature.Client's UI Menu BarA UI display appears when trying to pick a team and there isn't that team sticker within your inventory.Sticker RequirementThe option of accessing the friends leaderboard feature will be activated once the tournament starts; currently it is locked off.Pick'Em Friends Leaderboard

ESL One Cologne 2014 Stickers Released

Once again Valve has released team stickers for the upcoming CS:GO major event. The stickers have the same layout as last time in being split up between two capsules: Legends Challengers. Teams that are in the legend category are the returning top eight teams from EMS Katowice and the ones within the challenger are the eight teams that qualified for this event. The revenue from the stickers will be split evenly between the organizations and/or players. Last event the revenue was given to the organization of the team and they did what they chose with it. This caused certain issues and Valve might have adjusted their contract to avoid these issues.

  Legends CapsuleChallenger CapsuleImage of the new capsule inventory iconThe new sticker capsules have been added to the CSGO store barCS:GO's Store Bar

ESL One Cologne 2014 Stickers

The stickers are identified by the following colors:

  High Grade


  Exotic (Foil)


Legends Sticker Capsule

Cloud 9


  Cloud 9 Holo


  Cloud 9 Foil




  Fnatic Holo


  Fnatic Foil




  Hellrasiers Holo


  Hellrasiers Foil


  Ninja In Pyjamas


  Ninja In Pyjamas Holo


  Ninja In Pyjamas Foil


  Team Dignitas


  Team Dignitas Holo


  Team Dignitas Foil


  Team LDLC


  Team LDLC Holo


  Team LDLC Foil


  Virtus Pro


  Virtus Pro Holo


  Virtus Pro Foil





Challengers Sticker Capsule

Copenhagen Wolves


  Copenhagen Wolves Holo


  Copenhagen Wolves Foil


  DAT Team


  DAT Team Holo


  DAT Team Foil


  Epsilon Esports


  Epsilon Esports Holo


  Epsilon Esports Foil




  iBuyPower Holo


  iBuyPower Foil


  London Conspiracy


  London Conspiracy Holo


  London Conspiracy Foil




  Navi Holo


  Navi Foil




  Titan Holo


  Titan Foil


  Vox Eminor


  Vox Eminor Holo


  Vox Eminor Foil


  MTS GameGod Wolf


  MTS GameGod Wolf Holo


  MTS GameGod Wolf Foil







Pick'Em Challenge Reward Trophies

Gold Reward

75 points neededGold Inventory Icon

Silver Reward

50 points neededSilver Inventory Icon

Bronze Reward

25 points neededBronze Inventory Icon

ESL One Cologne 2014 Trophies Added

The ESL One trophy icons were added on the front-end side for UI purposes.


Back-End Changes

Version Released

ClientVersion = 126

  ServerVersion = 126

  PatchVersion =


ESL One's Trophy Models Added

Then on the back-end of the client the trophy model files have already been added and ready to be displayed in game. The location of their display/preview will be in a new room.

  Champion - TexturedChampion - SmoothedFinalist - Wire frameSemifinalist - TangentsQuaterfinalist - Bad Vertex

Added Pick'Em Challenge Reward Trophies Plaque Models

The model files have been added and are ready to award to the users that accomplish the Pick'Em Challenge. Each level of rewards have two separate models: a plaque and a trophy.

  Gold PlaqueGold TrophyGold Trophy

  Silver PlaqueSilver Trophy

  Bronze PlaqueBronze Trophy

New In Game Preview/Display Added

On the back-end another preview/display model has been added to the client. It appears that this room will be featured for the newly added trophies. Most of the relating files have already been put in place. Posted below are images of how the room will appear in game and a preview of the actions.

  Preview ImagePreview ImagePreview Image from AbovePreview of the two actions involved with this model is located below. One is "approach" and the other is "inspect". The moving marker on the table is the camera point of view while the moving marker above is the light.Approach Action

  Inspect Action

Team Sticker Related Files

On the back-end of the client there were six files added for each team sticker. VTF files were added for the regular sticker look, normal, and holo. Plus the addition of a VMT file being added for each team sticker that appears in game (regular, holo, foil). Below showcases an example of one of the team stickers with the related files that are needed.


Added Tournament UI Section

Within the resource UI files a new section for tournaments has been created and features a icon of ESL One. The tournament folder then features a "Teams" folder with icons from past and present CS:GO teams. Plus some addition icons like "no logo" and "no sticker". All of the new icons are posted below:

  Location of this added folder is represented at resourceflashecontournamentsGallery



String Additions/Modifications

With the team stickers being added within this patch, the sticker's icon ID strings have been placed in the files. An example of one sticker group is below with Cloud 9.

  Location of these additions are represented in items_game.txt"122"


  "icon_path" "econ/stickers/cologne2014/cloud9"




  "icon_path" "econ/stickers/cologne2014/cloud9_holo"




  "icon_path" "econ/stickers/cologne2014/cloud9_foil"

  The prefab section involved strings around the deletion within the primary weapon. The strings that were taken out were related to their tags with the attributes.

  Location of these deletions are represented in items_game.txt"prefabs"




  "prefab" "weapon_base"



  "nameable" "1"

  "paintable" "1"

  "can_sticker" "1"


  - "tags"

  - {

  - "can_shoot" "1"

  - }



  "stattrak model" "models/weapons/stattrack.mdl"


  Each previous Valve involved CS:GO tournament has had collectible items and skins assigned toward it. This patch has added a event ID and value string to represent and connect each one. Example below shows off the previous winners trophy collectible:

  Location of these additions are represented in items_game.txt"875"


  "name" "DreamHack SteelSeries 2013 CS:GO Champion"

  "prefab" "collectible_untradable"

  "item_name" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DH2013_Champion"

  "item_description" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_DH2013_Champion_Desc"

  "image_inventory" "econ/status_icons/dreamhack_2013_champion"



  "pedestal display model" "models/inventory_items/dreamhack_trophy_champion.mdl"

  "tournament event id"


  "attribute_class" "tournament_event_id"

  "value" "1"




  "name" "EMS One Katowice 2014 CS:GO Champion"

  "prefab" "collectible_untradable"

  "item_name" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2014_Champion"

  "item_description" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Kat2014_Champion_Desc"

  "image_inventory" "econ/status_icons/katowice_2014_champion"



  "pedestal display model" "models/inventory_items/katowice_trophy_champion.mdl"

  "tournament event id"


  "attribute_class" "tournament_event_id"

  "value" "3"


  Like previously added items and collectibles, there needs to be strings placed for the data and values involved with those new collectibles.

  Location of these additions are represented in items_game.txt"883"


  "name" "ESL One Cologne 2014 CS:GO Champion"

  "prefab" "collectible_untradable"

  "item_name" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_Champion"

  "item_description" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_Champion_Desc"

  "image_inventory" "econ/status_icons/cologne_trophy_champion"



  "pedestal display model" "models/inventory_items/cologne_trophy_champion.mdl"

  "tournament event id"


  "attribute_class" "tournament_event_id"

  "value" "4"





  "name" "ESL One Cologne 2014 CS:GO Finalist"

  "prefab" "collectible_untradable"

  "item_name" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_Finalist"

  "item_description" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_Finalist_Desc"

  "image_inventory" "econ/status_icons/cologne_trophy_finalist"



  "pedestal display model" "models/inventory_items/cologne_trophy_finalist.mdl"

  "tournament event id"


  "attribute_class" "tournament_event_id"

  "value" "4"





  "name" "ESL One Cologne 2014 CS:GO Semifinalist"

  "prefab" "collectible_untradable"

  "item_name" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_SemiFinalist"

  "item_description" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_SemiFinalist_Desc"

  "image_inventory" "econ/status_icons/cologne_trophy_semifinalist"



  "pedestal display model" "models/inventory_items/cologne_trophy_semifinalist.mdl"

  "tournament event id"


  "attribute_class" "tournament_event_id"

  "value" "4"





  "name" "ESL One Cologne 2014 CS:GO Quarterfinalist"

  "prefab" "collectible_untradable"

  "item_name" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_QuarterFinalist"

  "item_description" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_QuarterFinalist_Desc"

  "image_inventory" "econ/status_icons/cologne_trophy_quarterfinalist"



  "pedestal display model" "models/inventory_items/cologne_trophy_quarterfinalist.mdl"

  "tournament event id"


  "attribute_class" "tournament_event_id"

  "value" "4"





  "name" "ESL One Cologne 2014 Pick 'Em Challenge Bronze"

  "prefab" "collectible_untradable"

  "item_name" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmBronze"

  "item_description" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmBronze_Desc"

  "image_inventory" "econ/status_icons/cologne_prediction_bronze"



  "pedestal display model" "models/inventory_items/cologne_prediction_bronze.mdl"

  "tournament event id"


  "attribute_class" "tournament_event_id"

  "value" "4"





  "name" "ESL One Cologne 2014 Pick 'Em Challenge Silver"

  "prefab" "collectible_untradable"

  "item_name" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmSilver"

  "item_description" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmSilver_Desc"

  "image_inventory" "econ/status_icons/cologne_prediction_silver"



  "pedestal display model" "models/inventory_items/cologne_prediction_silver.mdl"

  "tournament event id"


  "attribute_class" "tournament_event_id"

  "value" "4"





  "name" "ESL One Cologne 2014 Pick 'Em Challenge Gold"

  "prefab" "collectible_untradable"

  "item_name" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmGold"

  "item_description" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmGold_Desc"

  "image_inventory" "econ/status_icons/cologne_prediction_gold"



  "pedestal display model" "models/inventory_items/cologne_prediction_gold.mdl"

  "tournament event id"


  "attribute_class" "tournament_event_id"

  "value" "4"

  Similar to above, the same strings were added for the two new sticker capsules. This entry supports a lot of the data involved with the inventory and market side.

  Location of these additions are represented in items_game.txt"4020"


  "item_name" "#CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_01"

  "name" "crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_01"

  "item_description" "#CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_desc01"

  "image_inventory" "econ/weapon_cases/crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_01"

  "first_sale_date" "2014/08/01"

  "prefab" "weapon_case_base"



  "set supply crate series"


  "attribute_class" "supply_crate_series"

  "value" "20"


  "tournament event id"


  "attribute_class" "tournament_event_id"

  "value" "4"






  "item_name" "#CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_02"

  "name" "crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_02"

  "item_description" "#CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_desc02"

  "image_inventory" "econ/weapon_cases/crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_02"

  "first_sale_date" "2014/08/01"

  "prefab" "weapon_case_base"



  "set supply crate series"


  "attribute_class" "supply_crate_series"

  "value" "21"


  "tournament event id"


  "attribute_class" "tournament_event_id"

  "value" "4"

  Firstly each sticker that was previously released with the event of Dreamhack Winter now has a event ID attached to it. With it being the first Valve connected event with CS:GO it is labeled as "1" of course.

  Location of these additions are represented in items_game.txt"sticker_kits"



  "name" "dh_gologo1"

  "item_name" "#StickerKit_dh_gologo1"

  "description_string" "#StickerKit_desc_dh_gologo1"

  "sticker_material" "dreamhack/dh_gologo1"

  "tournament_event_id" "1"




  "name" "dh_gologo1_holo"

  "item_name" "#StickerKit_dh_gologo1_holo"

  "description_string" "#StickerKit_desc_dh_gologo1_holo"

  "sticker_material" "dreamhack/dh_gologo1_holo"

  "tournament_event_id" "1"

  Then more strings were added to the previous team stickers within the client. Each sticker is now assigned with a event ID and team ID. These addition classifications will help within other systems that require a team logo/image/name.

  Location of these additions are represented in items_game.txt"sticker_kits"



  "name" "kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas"

  "item_name" "#StickerKit_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas"

  "description_string" "#StickerKit_desc_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas"

  "sticker_material" "emskatowice2014/ninjasinpyjamas"

  "item_rarity" "rare"

  "tournament_event_id" "3"

  "tournament_team_id" "1"




  "name" "kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas_holo"

  "item_name" "#StickerKit_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas_holo"

  "description_string" "#StickerKit_desc_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas_holo"

  "sticker_material" "emskatowice2014/ninjasinpyjamas_holo"

  "item_rarity" "mythical"

  "tournament_event_id" "3"

  "tournament_team_id" "1"

  More strings were added to give the property details around each new sticker. Below is an example of the Cloud 9 stickers that were added.

  Location of these additions are represented in items_game.txt"122"


  "name" "cologne2014_cloud9"

  "item_name" "#StickerKit_cologne2014_cloud9"

  "description_string" "#StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_cloud9"

  "sticker_material" "cologne2014/cloud9"

  "item_rarity" "rare"

  "tournament_event_id" "4"

  "tournament_team_id" "33"




  "name" "cologne2014_cloud9_holo"

  "item_name" "#StickerKit_cologne2014_cloud9_holo"

  "description_string" "#StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_cloud9_holo"

  "sticker_material" "cologne2014/cloud9_holo"

  "item_rarity" "mythical"

  "tournament_event_id" "4"

  "tournament_team_id" "33"

  Strings were added to give the property details involved with the Pick 'Em Challenge collectibles.

  Location of these additions are represented in items_game.txt"887"


  "name" "ESL One Cologne 2014 Pick 'Em Challenge Bronze"

  "prefab" "collectible_untradable"

  "item_name" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmBronze"

  "item_description" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmBronze_Desc"

  "image_inventory" "econ/status_icons/cologne_prediction_bronze"



  "pedestal display model" "models/inventory_items/cologne_prediction_bronze.mdl"

  "tournament event id"


  "attribute_class" "tournament_event_id"

  "value" "4"





  "name" "ESL One Cologne 2014 Pick 'Em Challenge Silver"

  "prefab" "collectible_untradable"

  "item_name" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmSilver"

  "item_description" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmSilver_Desc"

  "image_inventory" "econ/status_icons/cologne_prediction_silver"



  "pedestal display model" "models/inventory_items/cologne_prediction_silver.mdl"

  "tournament event id"


  "attribute_class" "tournament_event_id"

  "value" "4"





  "name" "ESL One Cologne 2014 Pick 'Em Challenge Gold"

  "prefab" "collectible_untradable"

  "item_name" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmGold"

  "item_description" "#CSGO_CollectibleCoin_Cologne2014_PickEmGold_Desc"

  "image_inventory" "econ/status_icons/cologne_prediction_gold"



  "pedestal display model" "models/inventory_items/cologne_prediction_gold.mdl"

  "tournament event id"


  "attribute_class" "tournament_event_id"

  "value" "4"

  More strings were placed for the stickers within the new capsules. These strings represent the rarity of each sticker within the capsule and actually confirms that sticker within.

  Location of these additions are represented in items_game.txt"client_loot_lists"



  "[cologne2014_cloud9]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_fnatic]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_hellraisers]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_ninjasinpyjamas]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_teamdignitas]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_teamldlc]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_virtuspro]sticker" "1"




  "[cologne2014_cloud9_holo]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_fnatic_holo]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_hellraisers_holo]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_ninjasinpyjamas_holo]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_teamdignitas_holo]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_teamldlc_holo]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_virtuspro_holo]sticker" "1"




  "[cologne2014_esl_a]sticker" "1"




  "crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_01_rare" "1"

  "crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_01_mythical" "1"

  "crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_01_legendary" "1"




  "[cologne2014_copenhagenwolves]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_datteam]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_epsilonesports]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_ibuypower]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_londonconspiracy]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_navi]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_titan]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_voxeminor]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_wolf]sticker" "1"




  "[cologne2014_copenhagenwolves_holo]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_datteam_holo]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_epsilonesports_holo]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_ibuypower_holo]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_londonconspiracy_holo]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_navi_holo]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_titan_holo]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_voxeminor_holo]sticker" "1"

  "[cologne2014_wolf_holo]sticker" "1"




  "[cologne2014_esl_b]sticker" "1"




  "crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_02_rare" "1"

  "crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_02_mythical" "1"

  "crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_02_legendary" "1"

  Two new lines of string were added to the revolving loot list within CS:GO. These additions are for the loot list involving the two new sticker capsules.

  Location of these additions are represented in items_game.txt"revolving_loot_lists"

  "1" "crate_valve_1"

  "2" "crate_esports_2013"

  "3" "crate_operation_ii"

  "4" "crate_valve_2"

  "5" "crate_esports_2013_winter"

  "6" "crate_dhw13_promo"

  "7" "crate_community_1"

  "8" "giftpkg_2013_winter"

  "9" "crate_sticker_pack01"

  "10" "crate_valve_3"

  "11" "crate_community_2"

  "12" "crate_sticker_pack02"

  "13" "crate_ems14_promo"

  "14" "crate_sticker_pack_kat2014_01"

  "15" "crate_sticker_pack_kat2014_02"

  "16" "crate_sticker_pack_community01"

  "17" "crate_community_3"

  "18" "crate_community_4"

  "19" "crate_esports_2014_summer"

  "20" "crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_01"

  "21" "crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_02"

  Strings were added for the actual items involving the new sticker capsules and it gives them their display name description.

  Location of these additions are represented in csgo_english.txt"CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_01" "ESL Cologne 2014 Challengers"

  "CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_02" "ESL Cologne 2014 Legends"

  "CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_desc" "This capsule contains a single ESL Cologne 2014 participant sticker. A portion of the proceeds is shared equally among the included organizations."

  Event strings were added for assigning short names of previous events. Also the next major event was added.

  Location of these additions are represented in csgo_english.txt // Events strings

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_1" "The 2013 DreamHack SteelSeries CS:GO Championship"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_1" "2013 DreamHack Winter"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_2" "The Valve Test Championship"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_2" "The Valve Test Championship"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_3" "The 2014 EMS One Katowice CS:GO Championship"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_3" "2014 EMS One Katowice"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_Name_4" "ESL One Cologne 2014 CS:GO Championship"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_NameShort_4" "2014 ESL One Cologne"

  Strings were modified for the name changes related to the event strings. Instead of having it displayed as "TBA" for this stage; it is now renamed to "Group Stage".

  Location of these modifications are represented in csgo_english.txt // Events strings

  - "CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_15" "TBA"

  - "CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_16" "TBA"

  - "CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_17" "TBA"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_15" "Group Stage"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_16" "Group Stage"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_17" "Group Stage"

  The system that was used in previous events had each team's name hard coded within the UI display and it was more of a hands on configuration. This time around had majority of the strings reworked or added new ones; thus now the system is more automatic instead having to physically highlight the team's name. Featured below is first the deletions of the old system and then the additions of the new system.

  Location of these deletions are represented in csgo_english.txt"CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_1" "Ninjas in Pyjamas"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_2" "Astana Dragons"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_3" "compLexity Gaming"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_4" "VeryGames"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_5" "iBUYPOWER"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_6" "Fnatic"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_7" "Clan-Mystik"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_8" "We got game"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_9" "LGB eSports"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_10" "Copenhagen Wolves"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_11" "Universal Soldiers"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_12" "Natus Vincere"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_13" "n!faculty"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_14" "SK-Gaming"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_15" "Xapso"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_16" "[R]eason Gaming"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_17" "Valve Squad Alpha"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_18" "Valve Squad Bravo"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_20" "NiP Team A"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_21" "NiP Team B"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_22" "Team Tomi"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_23" "Team Duncan"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_24" "Team Dignitas"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_25" "HellRaisers"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_26" "Team LDLC.com"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_27" "Titan"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_28" "3DMAX"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_29" "mousesports"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_30" "Reason Gaming"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_31" "Virtus.Pro"

  "CSGO_Tournament_Event_TeamName_32" "Vox Eminor"

  Location of these additions are represented in csgo_english.txt// Group stage global match stats

  "CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_Group0" "%name% | First Stage"

  "CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_Group1W" "%name% | Winners Match"

  "CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_Group1L" "%name% | Elimination Match"

  "CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_Group2" "%name% | Decider Match"

  "CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_WinVs" "Won vs %team%"

  "CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_LossVs" "Lost vs %team%"

  // Bracket best-of-N match (e.g. usage "#CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_Series2{name=#CSGO_Tournament_Event_Stage_5}{idx=2}{count=3}")

  "CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_Series1" "Match %idx% of %count%"

  "CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_Series2" "%name% | Match %idx% of %count%"

  "CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_QualPos1" "Winner of %name%"

  "CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_QualPos2" "Runner-up of %name%"

  "CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_QualPos3" "Qualified from %name%"

  "CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_WinAdvan" "Advances with win"

  "CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_LossElim" "Eliminated with loss"

  "CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_WinPrevMap" "Won on %map%"

  "CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_LossPrevMap" "Lost on %map%"

  // Team names

  "CSGO_TeamID_1" "Ninjas in Pyjamas"

  "CSGO_TeamID_2" "Astana Dragons"

  "CSGO_TeamID_3" "compLexity Gaming"

  "CSGO_TeamID_4" "VeryGames"


  "CSGO_TeamID_6" "Fnatic"

  "CSGO_TeamID_7" "Clan-Mystik"

  "CSGO_TeamID_8" "We got game"

  "CSGO_TeamID_9" "LGB eSports"

  "CSGO_TeamID_10" "Copenhagen Wolves"

  "CSGO_TeamID_11" "Universal Soldiers"

  "CSGO_TeamID_12" "Natus Vincere"

  "CSGO_TeamID_13" "n!faculty"

  "CSGO_TeamID_14" "SK-Gaming"

  "CSGO_TeamID_15" "Xapso"

  "CSGO_TeamID_16" "[R]eason Gaming"

  "CSGO_TeamID_17" "Valve Squad Alpha"

  "CSGO_TeamID_18" "Valve Squad Bravo"

  "CSGO_TeamID_20" "NiP Team A"

  "CSGO_TeamID_21" "NiP Team B"

  "CSGO_TeamID_22" "Team Tomi"

  "CSGO_TeamID_23" "Team Duncan"

  "CSGO_TeamID_24" "Team Dignitas"

  "CSGO_TeamID_25" "HellRaisers"

  "CSGO_TeamID_26" "Team LDLC.com"

  "CSGO_TeamID_27" "Titan"

  "CSGO_TeamID_28" "3DMAX"

  "CSGO_TeamID_29" "mousesports"

  "CSGO_TeamID_30" "Reason Gaming"

  "CSGO_TeamID_31" "Virtus.Pro"

  "CSGO_TeamID_32" "Vox Eminor"

  "CSGO_TeamID_33" "Cloud9"

  "CSGO_TeamID_34" "dAT team"

  "CSGO_TeamID_35" "Epsilon eSports"

  "CSGO_TeamID_36" "London Conspiracy"

  "CSGO_TeamID_37" "MTS GameGod Wolf"

  String modifications took place around the previous event's stickers. Each sticker now displays out "Holo" instead of "H". Also now the event location and year is added after the team's name. This was added so that the users are able to tell the difference between the stickers based on the name; since this is the second event with team stickers.

  Location of these modifications are represented in csgo_english.txt- "StickerKit_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas" "Ninjas in Pyjamas"

  "StickerKit_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas" "Ninjas in Pyjamas | Katowice 2014"

  "StickerKit_desc_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas" ""

  - "StickerKit_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas_holo" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (H)"

  "StickerKit_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas_holo" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Holo) | Katowice 2014"

  "StickerKit_desc_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas_holo" ""

  - "StickerKit_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas_foil" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Foil)"

  "StickerKit_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas_foil" "Ninjas in Pyjamas (Foil) | Katowice 2014"

  "StickerKit_desc_kat2014_ninjasinpyjamas_foil" ""

  In considering the above modifications, the same strings were added for all of the new stickers involved in ESL One Cologne. An example of Cloud 9's stickers are below:

  Location of these additions are represented in csgo_english.txt"StickerKit_cologne2014_cloud9" "Cloud9 | Cologne 2014"

  "StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_cloud9" ""

  "StickerKit_cologne2014_cloud9_holo" "Cloud9 (Holo) | Cologne 2014"

  "StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_cloud9_holo" ""

  "StickerKit_cologne2014_cloud9_foil" "Cloud9 (Foil) | Cologne 2014"

  "StickerKit_desc_cologne2014_cloud9_foil" ""

  Strings were added for displaying a UI hint on the two new capsules store tab.

  Location of these additions are represented in csgo_english.txt//Main Menu

  "SFUI_Store_Hint_crate_sticker_pack_Cologne2014_01" "This lockless capsule is available for a limited time"

  "SFUI_Store_Hint_crate_sticker_pack_Cologne2014_02" "This lockless capsule is available for a limited time"

  Two new tooltip UI displays were added showing when the user is highlighting over a tournament or team icon.

  Location of these additions are represented in csgo_english.txt//Main Menu : Inventory Panel

  "SFUI_InvTooltip_TournamentTag" "Tournament"

  "SFUI_InvTooltip_TournamentTeamTag" "Team"

  Within the Watch Panel a string needed to be added for giving a tab for ESL One Cologne.

  Location of this additions is represented in csgo_english.txt//Main Menu : Watch Panel

  "CSGO_Watch_Cat_Tournament_4" "ESL One Cologne"

  A really important string was modified to add the display of "-".

  Location of these changes are represented in csgo_english.txt- "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Desc_3" "The 2014 EMS One Katowice CS:GO Championship is the ESL’s biggest and most prestigious Counter-Strike tournament as of yet featuring a $250,000 community funded prize pool."

  "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Desc_3" "The 2014 EMS One Katowice CS:GO Championship is the ESL’s biggest and most prestigious Counter-Strike tournament as of yet featuring a $250,000 community-funded prize pool."

  Since the Watch Panel UI was totally reworked this means that many new back-end strings needed to be added for the new display.

  All the needed information for the display in the new Watch UI page for ESL One is located here.

  Location of these additions are represented in csgo_english.txt"CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Desc_4" "The ESL One Cologne 2014 CS:GO Championship is the second ESL’s Counter-Strike tournament featuring a $250,000 community-funded prize pool."

  "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Info_4" "Location: Cologne, Germany nAugust 14th - 17th"

  "CSGO_Watch_NoMatch_Tournament_4" "ESL One Cologne 2014 matches will be listed here.nThere are no live matches or downloadable matches available at this time."

  "CSGO_Watch_Loading_Tournament_4" "Loading ESL One Cologne 2014 matches..."

  "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Info_Link" "Tournament Info"

  "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Market_Link2""Team Stickers on Steam Market"

  "CSGO_Watch_PickEm_Rules" "Pick'Em Rules"

  "CSGO_Watch_PickEm_Leaderboards" "Pick'Em Leaderboards"

  "CSGO_Watch_PickEm_Alert_Picks_Open" "Make Picks"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Title_Tournament_4" "PLAY THE COLOGNE 2014"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Title" "Pick'Em Challenge"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Desc_Tournament_4" "Use the ESL One Cologne 2014 team stickers to make correct picks and earn points towards trophy badge.nBe sure to make your picks before the start of each match."

  "CSGO_PickEm_Score_Title" "Total Points"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Trophy_Title" "Trophy Level"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Trophy_Status" "%s1 away from %s2"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Trophy_Status_Gold""All your picks were correct!"

  "CSGO_PickEm_No_Pick" "Make Your Pick"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Correct" "Correct Pick"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Inorrect" "Incorrect Pick"

  "CSGO_PickEm_MatchStarted" "Match Started"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Advance" "Winner!"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Confirm_Pick" "Confirm Pick"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Make_Pick" "Make Pick"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Use_Stricker" "Place Sticker"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Get_Stricker" "Get Sticker"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Remove_Pick" "Remove"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Trophy_level_Bronze" "Bronze"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Trophy_level_Silver" "Silver"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Trophy_level_Gold" "Gold!"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Team_TBD" "To Be Determined"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Pick_Confirmed" "Pick Confirmed"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Group_A" "Group A"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Group_B" "Group B"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Group_C" "Group C"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Group_D" "Group D"

  "CSGO_PickEm_QuaterFinals" "Quarterfinals"

  "CSGO_PickEm_SemiFinals" "Semifinals"

  "CSGO_PickEm_GrandFinals" "Grand Final"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Confirmed_Tooltip" "See if your pick was correct on the %s1 after the match day is complete."

  "CSGO_PickEm_Points_Earned" "%s1 Points Earned"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Points_Possible" "Worth %s1 Points"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Watch_Tab" "Play the Pick'Em Challenge"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Marketplace" "Go to Steam Market"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Apply_Title" "Confirm <b><font color='#FFFFFF'>%s1</font></b> as a <b><font color='#FFFFFF'>%s2</font></b> pick"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Remove_Title" "Remove <b><font color='#FFFFFF'>%s1</font></b> as a <b><font color='#FFFFFF'>%s2</font></b> pick"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Apply_Warning" "Making a Pick will lock this sticker.nIt will be unusable and untradable until the end of the match day.nRemoving this pick at a later time will not undo the lock."

  "CSGO_PickEm_Market_Warning" "You need this team's Colonge 2014 sticker to make this pick.nYou can purchase a sticker on the Steam Market."

  "CSGO_PickEm_Remove_Warning" "Removing this pick will not delete the sticker.nHowever it will still remain unusable and untradable until the end of the match day."

  "CSGO_PickEm_HasSticker" "Have Sticker"

  "CSGO_PickEm_Pick_TimeOut" "Unable to confirm a pick at this time.nPlease try again later."

  "CSGO_PickEm_Leaderboards_Inactive" "Pick'Em Friends Leaderboard will be activenonce the tournament starts."

  "CSGO_PickEm_Rules_Body" "<b>Welcome to The Cologne 2014 Pick'Em Challenge!</b>nnYour goal is to score as many points as possible by correctly picking the winning teams as the tournament progresses. There are a total of 100 points to score and a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Pick'Em Challenge Trophy will be awarded for scoring 25, 50, or 75 points, respectively. Pick'Em Challenge Trophies are badges that are displayable on your CS:GO avatar and on your Steam profile. In addition to winning a trophy you can compete with your friends on the Pick'Em Friends Leaderboard.nnEach day of the event provides an opportunity to score 25 points: 24 for correct picks and 1 just for playing.nnTo make a pick during any stage of the tournament, you must own an unused sticker for the picked team. You can get stickers from ESL One Cologne 2014 Sticker capsules or from the Steam Market.nnA single team sticker is sufficient for picking that team multiple times throughout the event.nnUsing a team sticker to make a pick will lock the sticker for the day. It will not be usable or tradable until the next day. Undoing a pick will not unlock the sticker. It will still be unusable and untradable until the event day is complete. Once the event day is complete, locked stickers will unlock and be usable and tradable.nnDay 1 ( Aug 14th ) Pick the winner of each of eight group stage matches. Each correct pick is worth 3 points.nDay 2 ( Aug 15th ) Pick the eight teams that will advance to the quarterfinals. Each correct pick is worth 3 points.nDay 3 ( Aug 16th ) Pick the four teams that will advance to the semifinals. Each correct pick is worth 6 points.nDay 4 ( Aug 17th ) Pick the two teams that will advance to the grand finals and the one team that will win the grand finals. Each correct pick is worth 8 points.nnOn each day you can earn an additional point just for playing.nnTrophies will be awarded after the tournament is complete."

  A new UI display has been added to the spectator's HUD, and it will showcase the community's prediction from the Pick'Em Challenge during ESL One.

  Location of this additions is represented in csgo_english.txt//HUD: Spectator


  Added to the item preview manifest was the two models added within this update: Cologne Trophy Prediction Trophy. Within these additions shows that the ingame preview/display of the item will be in the new model room.

  Location of these additions are represented in the itemmodelpanelweaponpreviewmanifest.res"cologne_trophy"




  "type" "other"

  "model_partial" "cologne_trophy"




  "root_mdl" "models/weapons/pedestal_badges_nocase.mdl"







  "type" "other"

  "model_partial" "cologne_prediction"




  "root_mdl" "models/weapons/pedestal_badges_nocase.mdl"


Updated UI Features

Note:The following UI displays do not picture the final product. These images just show us the visual difference between the two versions. Also the following displays will feature the default/sample entries that the devs used.


Spectator Panel

Additions were made to the spectator UI with the new feature of showcasing the community's prediction results under the net worth value of the team. Below features two images of the upcoming display; first is with no text and the second has default text/values entered by Valve.


  Display of solely the involved UI


  Display of the involved UI with default values The action-script included additions of the prediction display, and the display of new match/team stats.NewNewNewOld __________________________________________NewOld ___________________________________________ NewNewNewNew

Watch Panel UI

The watch panel was totally reworked as the user can visually see in game already. The two images featured below showcases most of those changes in the background.


  Display of the involved UI with default values


  Display of solely the involved UI The action-script included rework and modifications to many of the functions involved with the tournament UI display featuring tournament match info team IDs.NewNewOld _______________________________________________________ NewOld __________________________________________________________ NewNewOld

Inventory Panel UI

Two changes were made relating to the scaleform UI.

  Display of the included UI that is involved with default strings/values

  Just a display of the included UI that is involvedThe action-script included modifications/fixes to two functions. The functions that had changes to the code were Opening the Context Menu and Closing the Message Box Window.Old _________________________________________________________ NewOld ______________________________________________________ New

Main Menu Select Panel UI

Modifications were made to the main menu select panel by sliding the yellow alert box downward. Before this update the alert box would overlap the main panel text as seen below.


  Display of the involved UI with default values


  Display of solely the involved UI

Store Tile UI

The store tile received mostly a back-end rework on it's code.


  Display of the involved UI with default values


  Display of solely the involved UI The action-script received almost a complete rework of it's code. As you can see below the reworked action-script involved functions with the Item Data, Item Image, UI Buttons, and etc.NewNewNewNew

SharedLib UI Icons

Additional adjustments and images have been made to several of the UI display icons featured in the pictures below.


  Display of the involved UI with default values


  Display of solely the involved UI

Main Menu UI

An addition was made to the main menu UI that will support the new prediction setting.

  The action-script included additions for a new function involving uploading the community's prediction from/to the Watch Tournament Panel.New

DLL Alternations

There are changes to some of the core DLL files that run CS:GO.


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