Amazon Game Studios is going to launch a new hero shooter very, very soon. Although Crucible has only just been shown off (and we've got an extensive report on it), we're going to be able to jump in and experience this shooter from developer Relentless (run by Westwood Studios co-founder Louis Castle) very soon.
Crucible will launch for PC on May 20. It's completely free-to-play, and will be available on Steam, so it'll be easy to coordinate with your friends and check out what Amazon's new title has to offer.
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Now Playing: Amazon Games' Crucible Launch Date Announced - GS News Update
This is shaping up to be a busy May, but Crucible will have that date to itself, more or less--it'll be interesting to see how it performs in its first week, and whether it can compete with the likes of Overwatch.
Amazon Game Studios is also due to launch New World, a new MMO, on August 25. The publisher is also planning to release a Lord of the Rings MMO.