VU Games today announced that Cold Winter has been sent to factory in anticipation of its May 10 release. Developed by Swordfish Studios in the UK, Cold Winter will be released exclusively on the PlayStation 2.
As Andrew Sterling, players will assume the role of a British M16 across several territories, including Hong Kong and the Middle East. With a license to kill, Sterling does anything it takes to complete his objectives. The story is set in 2002 and was penned by author Warren Ellis.
The game features more than 30 weapons in its arsenal, as well as mounted machine guns and frag grenades. Running on the Karma engine, Cold Winter also boasts realistic physics, complete with rag-doll effects for fallen foes. Several in-game objects can be manipulated, used for cover, or blown to bits.
Cold Winter will also feature multiplayer mayhem in the form of four-player split-screen offline or eight-player online action. There will be 12 maps to support deathmatch, king of the hill, flag tag, domination, last man standing, and head match variants.
Cold Winter is rated "M" for Mature and has a price point of $49.99. For more details on the game, head over to GameSpot's previous coverage.