TOKYO--Capcom's new in-house developer Clover Studio updated its official Web site, moving it to its own domain and adding a trailer (included below) of the upcoming action game Okami. The studio also opened a new Web site dedicated to its Viewtiful Joe series.
Double-click the video window for a full-screen view.
The PlayStation 2-exclusive Okami is a cel-shaded 3D action game, imbued with a distinctly Japanese art design. The game is set in a land that--thanks to supernatural monsters that inhabit it--is almost completely devoid of color. Players, assuming the earthly wolf-form of Amaterasu, the mythical Shinto sun goddess, must return color to the land by defeating the monsters.
The new site dedicated to Viewtiful Joe is currently promoting Viewtiful Joe: A New Hope, which is the upcoming PS2 port of the original, released last year for the GameCube. The game is slated for release on September 9 in Japan at the retail price of 4,980 yen ($45). The port is scheduled for a North American release in late September.