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Far Cry 4 - Welcome to Kyrat Part 2
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Ubisoft today released the latest "Welcome to Kyrat" trailer for its upcoming open-world game, Far Cry 4. The impressively produced trailer takes viewers on a "visual tour" of Kyrat's midland and Himalayan regions. Also on display is the game's deep forests that play host to the Arena blood sport competitions, and are are replete with wild animals, drug traders, and more.
Shifting to the Himalayan setting, the Far Cry 4 trailer seeks to hammer home the point that every moment spent here is a "near-death experience." This is due to hungry wolves and tigers out to kill you, avalanches waiting to bury you, and enemy soldiers hunting you down.
Far Cry 4 launches November 18 for PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4. Ubisoft said recently that it's targeting 1080p visuals for the Xbox One and PS4 versions. For more on Far Cry 4, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.