JoWood Productions has today released details on the futuristic story line that will be featured in its upcoming first-person shooter, Chaser. The game, which is currently in development at Slovakia-based Cauldron, is set in the year 2044 and sees players assuming the role of John Chaser--a character who, at the start of the game, awakens on board the spaceship HMS Majestic suffering from amnesia.
With Earth having become a planet of poverty and violence, an organization known as MarsCorp has led the way in the colonizing of Mars since the year 2042. The organization is headed up by its ambitious founder, Samuel Longwood, who is secretly planning to become one of the most powerful men in the solar system by making Mars completely autonomous.
Chaser is currently scheduled for release in North America and Europe in the second quarter of this year. For further information, check out our previous coverage of the game.