If you're reading this, you're probably seeking ways to improve your skills playing as Caustic in Apex Legends. For a character such as Caustic, defensive tactics are all the rage. His super deadly gas traps can quickly overwhelm and hinder the mobility of opposing squads, offering you and your teammates fertile opportunity for ambushes. At a glance, this stinky fellow's abilities often seem more contextual than universally functional, but with a bit of practice under your belt, you can easily use that to your advantage. Keep reading for everything you need to know about Caustic's abilities, his strengths and weaknesses, and a selection of tips on how to use him effectively so that you can lead your team to victory.
CausticCaustic can drop Nox Gas Trap canisters as his tactical ability. These release deadly gas when shot or triggered by enemies. Gas effectively blinds enemies, while damaging them over time, making it great for close-range encounters.
His passive Nox Vision allows you to see enemies through gas. It's pretty convenient, as enemies afflicted by your toxic gas are highlighted in green for both you and your squadmates.
Caustic’s ultimate ability is Nox Gas Grenade, which blankets a large area in his stinky green gas. This ability can be used defensively or offensively, putting enemy squads into a state of panic in confined space or sending them running in the other direction.
You can throw up to six Nox Gas Traps at a time. You have three on cooldown, but once that ends, you can drop three more, or drop one as you get them back off a cooldown. Any traps you don't use, you can also pick back up, so keep that in mind. Just be aware that your gas can negatively affect your teammates. It won't kill them, but it can blind and slow them.
Another handy strategy is to combo Caustic's gas trap and gas grenade in a confined space. If you're able to block an enemy into a room with a trap, throw a grenade inside. Assuming they aren't smart enough to grenade the door, this deadly combination should make for a guaranteed kill. All this talk about deadly gas is great, but don't think the enemy is completely powerless. Beware of incoming Grenades or Arc Stars while your gas is active on the field.
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