Capcom doesn't want to keep its fans waiting for more of their favorite series. The Japanese publisher today released English translations of executive comments indicating that it wants to wait no more than 2.5 years between sequels, starting with franchises like Lost Planet and Devil May Cry.
Capcom has plans for more Devil May Cry. "We want to reduce the time needed to develop major titles from the usual three-to-four years to only 2.5 years," Capcom chairman and CEO Kenzo Tsujimoto told investors. "Speeding up development will probably raise the cost. But creating quality content will be vital to Capcom's ability to survive by overcoming intense global competition."
In his own comments, Capcom president and COO Haruhiro Tsujimoto noted that Lost Planet 3 is on pace to hit the 2.5-year goal, while Resident Evil 6 is arriving some 3.5 years after its predecessor.
"For DMC Devil May Cry, development will require five years due to the time needed to select development companies because of our decision to switch to external development," Haruhiro Tsujimoto said. "But our goal is to reduce the cycle to 2.5 years for subsequent titles in this series."
Earlier this week, Capcom announced a January 15, 2013, launch date for the Ninja Theory-developed DMC: Devil May Cry. That would put a sequel to the title in summer or fall of 2015. Devil May Cry 4 was released in January of 2008.