Now that the end-of-the-year torrent of game releases has subsided to a mere trickle, gamers can finally spend some quality time with the many high-quality games of 2007...for a few weeks, at least. Thanks to a mess of delayed games, not to mention those previously planned for the frigid months, the first part of 2008 is shaping up to be a hectic ordeal in its own right.
One of the most anticipated games leading off the year is Criterion Games' Burnout Paradise, which has been slated to arrive for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on January 22. When the release date was confirmed in October, Electronic Arts noted that a free trial of the game would arrive for the PS3 and Xbox 360 in December. Criterion Games has since updated its Web site to reveal a countdown timer that indicates the demo for the madcap racer will be available in seven and a half days (and counting), or the twilight hours of December 13.
As previously noted, the demo will give gamers a look at the new stunt mode as well as three online challenges, and let them race through one of the game's cities while sleuthing out the fastest route to a set destination. For more on what to expect from the latest installment in Criterion's arcade racer, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.