Despite its best efforts, Sony couldn't stop the release of yet another major PlayStation emulator. Over the E3 weekend, the long awaited full version of bleem! was made available to thousands of anxious gamers who had pre-purchased the emulator's CD key a few weeks earlier.
"It's been a very long haul", says Randy Linden, bleem!'s lead programmer. "Now that it's finally over I hope enjoy and appreciate the work that has gone into bleem!". That work has included everything from spending countless hours chasing after bugs in the software's code to dealing with two Sony-filed Temporary Restraining Orders. "Sony certainly knows how to use the law as a hammer instead of a shield", bleem! president David Herpolsheimer told GameSpot News. "Our lawyer called Sony's attacks 'the most oppressively litigated case I've ever seen'".
Sony's meddling continued on the floor of the E3 Expo. Unable to get the courts to file an injunction against bleem!, Sony muscled E3 officials into disrupting the company's tiny booth, taking down any Sony copyrighted material and forcing individuals to stop handing out bleem! related flyers.
Regardless, to date over 15,000 bleem! CD-keys have been shipped and the full version is currently available for download from the company's website. Bleem!'s two-man development team expects to continue supporting their emulator on a regular basis through free downloads.