Blizzard has released a new Battle for Azeroth patch 8.1 hotfix which addresses an issue with Elemental Shaman's Ember Elementals, quest bugs and more.
Alongside the fixes above, the new hotfix for Tides of Vengeance also offers general PvP fixes and some minor resto druid and survival hunter changes.
We’ve included the official release notes for the latest 8.1 hotfix down below:
December 13, 2018
DruidRestorationUrsol's Vortex is learned at level 28 (was 63).HunterSurvivalFixed an issue causing Mongoose Fury to incorrectly apply new stacks before the damage from Mongoose Bite was dealt, instead of after.Items
Heart of Azeroth(Elemental Shaman) Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Echo of the Elementals to summon two Ember Elementals after Fire Elemental expired.Player versus Player
Alterac ValleyFixed a bug that caused players to be unable to spawn at Stonehearth Graveyard after dying.Death KnightFrostwhelp's Indignation (Azerite trait) now correctly damages players in addition to granting mastery.Raise Abomination will now correctly attack neutral creatures if the player is in combat with them.PriestDisciplineFixed a bug that prevented Trinity from providing additional critical strike chance to Smite, Penance, and Shadowfiend.Fixed a bug that caused Trinity to stop applying Atonement to targets after 3 are active.WarlockAfflictionFixed a bug that caused Gateway Mastery to reduce the duration of the Demonic Gateway debuff by more than 15 seconds.Quests
(With server restarts in each region) Fixed a bug that caused repeatable quests, such as Pet Battle dailies or Blingtron, to reset incorrectly.Fixed an issue where Alliance players could not turn in "An End to the Killing" to King Anduin Wrynn in Stormwind if they were also on the quest "On Whispered Winds".All NPCs related to “The Right Mech for the Job” should now be visible, even when a Faction Assault is active.Fixed an issue where certain players could see multiple copies of Anduin, Velen, and Genn in the Stormwind War Room.World Quests
Fixed an issue where Horde players could not complete the quest "Cease all Summoning" while the Nazmir Assault is active.Fixed a bug where players were sometimes not granted quest credit during “Desert Crawl”.Fixed a bug that prevented Blight Barrels from behaving properly on “Barreling Through”.Baron Cloudsnipe will no longer chase players in Pozzik's Experimental Bomber to the ends of the earth on “Romp in the Swamp”. He's still a crack shot, though.Patch 8.1 Tides of Vengeance, the first major content update for the Battle for Azeroth expansion is available globally now. The update was rolled out earlier this week.