Looking into building a new system with an AGP slot but not sure which card to buy? ATI Technologies has announced that its XPERT 98 AGP graphics board will sell for only US$98. If you're a bit on the frugal side, this might be the card for you.
Features of the Rage Pro Turbo-based 8MB board include 2D, 3D, and DVD acceleration along with support for Direct3D, OpenGL, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 95/98.
On the tech side, the board uses 8MB of 100MHz SRAM, full 2X AGP support with SideBand Addressing, maximum 2D resolutions of 1600x1200x24bpp, and a maximum 3D resolution of 1280x1024x24bpp.
Those interested in the DVD market will be attracted to the XPERT 98's ability to run DVD-sized video at 720x480 with the included DVD software.