While Europeans are just getting into the military action of Prague-based Bohemian Interactive's latest PC game, ArmA: Armed Assault, US gamers will have to wait--but at least they'll get a shot at the game.
Atari today announced that it will be publishing the previously European-exclusive game for North America this May. The localized product from the Operation Flashpoint developer will be sold in North America under the name ArmA: Combat Operations.
The game is a first-person shooter in the vein of Bohemia Interactive's past shooters like Operation Flashpoint, with an emphasis on realism. Combat Operations features both a single-player mode and a multiplayer mode, which supports up to 50 players in one session. There are more than 30 vehicles to take a spin in, and a built-in editor lets gamers create their own theater of war.
ArmA: Combat Operations has not yet been rated by the ESRB or priced. For more information, read GameSpot's previous coverage.