In 1983, the ancient board game of chess received an overhaul with the release of Free Fall Games' Archon. Originally released on Atari's 8-bit series of computers, Archon combined the strategy of chess with the action of games. When one piece attempted to capture another, the game pit the two units in a one-on-one battle to see who would emerge from the battle victorious.
Sequels and ports of the game made their way across a number of formats, from the Commodore 64 to the ZX Spectrum and the Nintendo Entertainment System, but the franchise has been largely dormant since the 1994 release of Archon Ultra on the PC.
Now the series is set to make a comeback, as Myriad Interactive this week announced that it has secured the Archon license from Free Fall Games with the intent to make a new version off the game that "combines the fun and spirit of the original with today's exciting technology."
Myriad Interactive publishes the Crazy Frog Racer games through its Mercury Games and Turtle Games brands. Specific platforms for the game have not been revealed, but Myriad said it would release details on them soon.