Apex Legends Mobile Season 2.5: Hyperbeat launched alongside a large collection of cosmetics (via both the Hyperbeat battle pass and the Hyperbeat Store) and an equally large number of seasonal events. The most recent of these events, Rising Through The Ranks, is the very first of its kind, and tasks players with ascending the tiers in Ranked Mode while unlocking prizes along the way.
Previously, seasonal Ranked Mode rewards weren't revealed until the end of the season (or very shortly beforehand). But as of Season 2.5, players can now see the upcoming Ranked Mode rewards and the challenges they'll need to complete to obtain them. Keep reading for a closer look at the Rising Through The Ranks event, along with some tips to help you climb all the way to Masters and unlock that awesome mobile-exclusive Bangalore skin.
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Now Playing: Apex Legends Mobile: Hyperbeat Gameplay Trailer
From there, select the "Limited-Time" tab located at the top of the Hyperbeat hub. Then select Rising Through The Ranks from the vertical list of events that appears on the right side of the hub. Currently, Rising Through The Ranks is at the top of the event list, so its event hub is displayed by default once you select the "Limited-Time" tab.
Bangalore's Carmine Honor skin is the reward for reaching Masters.
Reach Silver V in the current season: Golden Standard Alternator SMG weapon skin (Epic)Reach Gold V in the current season: Funslinger Lifeline banner pose (Epic)Reach Platinum V in the current season: Bombs Away Bangalore banner frame (Epic)Reach Diamond V in the current season: Medical Medalist Lifeline legend skin (Epic)Reach Master in the current season: Carmine Honor Bangalore legend skin (Epic)The Rising Through The Ranks event hub, featuring challenges and Ranked rewards
Tread lightly. It's easy to absentmindedly hot-drop and start spraying and praying, especially if you lean towards a "shoot first, think later" playstyle, but Ranked Mode requires a more thoughtful approach. The gameplay advantage gained from wearing decent headphones to play Apex Mobile cannot be overstated--it improves spatial awareness immensely, and also gives you an edge over the competition, as a large number of players are using low-quality earbuds or even relying on their phone's external speakers. Being able to hear footsteps and other environmental cues clearly will keep you from walking into a trap, and makes ambushing unsuspecting enemies a cinch.
Lifeline's Medical Medalist skin takes more than skill to earn--it takes teamwork.The Rising Through The Ranks event can be frustrating--it will take time, teamwork, and a great deal of patience to make it all the way to Masters, but it's doable if you plan ahead and play wisely. Thankfully, the event is live for the remainder of the Ranked season, so you've got a good amount of time to assemble your squad and ascend the ranks. But keep in mind that if you want to become an Apex Predator, you'll need a squad that has your back--lone wolves need not apply.
The Rising Through The Ranks event ends on October 18 at 5 PM PT / 8 PM ET. If you're looking for a Ranked challenge with lower stakes, check out the Your Challenge Awaits event before it ends on September 6.
Apex Legends Mobile is available for download on Android and iOS devices.
Apex Legends Mobile: All Hyperbeat Store And VIP Store Rewards
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