Funcom has announced that Anarchy Online: Shadowlands is now scheduled to ship on August 26. The Norway-based company has been working on this significant expansion pack for 18 months, and it's said that it will double the amount of content in Anarchy Online. The new release date is intended to let Funcom fully implement features, populate the world, and tune the game balance.
Shadowlands will introduce 20 new zones with seven distinct themes, hundreds of new monsters with improved AI, the floating city of Jobe, and thousands of new weapons, armor types, and items. There will be two new professions, the shade and keeper, and the level maximum will be raised to 220. Funcom also promises enhanced graphics, new music, and new ways to customize characters.
"We wanted to make something totally unique and original, with graphics, depth, ambience, and gameplay like no other online title," said game director Gaute Godager.
The $29.95 stand-alone expansion pack will include the original game and Anarchy Online: The Notum Wars, plus a one-month subscription to the online service. Those who preorder Shadowlands will receive an exclusive luxury apartment in the floating city of Jobe.