Although this summer's Transformers: The Last Knight is the lowest grossing movie in the blockbuster series to date, the franchise continues to grow. The Bumblebee spinoff movie is currently in production, and it has now been confirmed that a new animated film is in development.
The news was first rumored last week, when it was reported by Transformers World that the production studio owned by Hasbro (which owns the rights to Transformers) was opening an animated theatrical movie division. Hasbro has now confirmed that a Transformers animated film is indeed in the works. The company has also stated that the movie will be part of the cinematic universe; however, there is currently no release date for the film.
Of course, if the film happens, it will be the second animated Transformers film. Transformers: The Movie was released back in 1986, and although it was a financial failure at the time, it is now considered a cult classic. It celebrated its 30th anniversary last year, and was remastered for a new Blu-ray release.
In related news, the cast and release date for Bumblebee was announced last week. The movie will star Hailee Steinfeld (True Grit) and WWE star John Cena, and hits theaters on December 21, 2018.