This morning, AMD announced that the latest incarnation of its aging K6-2 processor has reached 550MHz. Made up of more than nine million transistors and manufactured using .25-micron technology, the 550MHz K6-2 is now the fastest Super7-compatible processor available on the market.
"The AMD-K6-2 processor family offers a cost-effective and excellent solution for mainstream applications in the small business and consumer markets," said Dana Krelle, VP of marketing at AMD. "Providing a good balance of price, performance, and features, the AMD-K6-2 processor family allows our customers to offer some of the most competitive PC products on the market."
Like all of AMD's recent processors, the K6-2 supports 3Dnow!, a group of algorithms that increase performance of certain multimedia applications and 3D games. The 550MHz K6-2 should become available for purchase as a stand-alone processor in the coming weeks.