TOKYO--While retailers' preemptive listings of games aren't always reliable, they do often provide useful indicators of what publishers have up their sleeves that they aren't quite ready to tell the public about. The latter was certainly the case with the long-rumored Team Ico collection, which was officially confirmed at the Tokyo Game Show today by Team Ico's director Fumito Ueda after retailer leaks and sightings in Famitsu
Some secrets are just a little too big to keep.
Though its title is not finalized, the collection will, as suspected, contain both of the studio's highly regarded PlayStation 2 titles--Ico and Shadow of the Colossus--redone in high definition for Sony's PlayStation 3. Two surprises for many are that the titles will both feature full 3D support and that Ico will feature the European ending rather than the US ending, making it the "complete game," according to Ueda.
The single-disc collection will hit retail in spring 2011, according to Ueda. Previous retailer listings had suggested April 2011 for the US and June 2011 for Europe. A price has not yet been confirmed for the bundle, though the Wal-Mart listing suggests it may cost as little as $40 in the US.
The collection has not yet been rated by the ESRB or PEGI. Originally, Ico was rated as suitable for anyone over the age of three in Europe and T (for Teen) by the ESRB, while Shadow of the Colossus was rated 12+ by PEGI and T (for Teen) by the ESRB.
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