On Wednesday morning, Paramount Pictures announced an early access screening to celebrate the release of the latest entry of the Transformers franchise, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. The movie is scheduled for wide release on June 9, but this early access premiere will include one special showing on Wednesday, June 7 at 7 PM local time at participating theatres across the country.
The screenings will also be presented in premium formats including Dolby Cinema, 4DX, and IMAX in addition to standard.
"We're thrilled to give fans an early opportunity to roll-out and catch this latest, spectacular installment of the Transformers franchise on the big screen in advance of its exclusive theatrical debut on June 9," said Chris Aronson, Paramount Pictures' president of domestic distribution via press release.
Tickets for the Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Early Access as well as general tickets are on sale Wednesday. To purchase tickets for the fan event screening and for participating theater listings in your area, go to its See It First site. Attendees of the event will also receive an exclusive print and Maximal insignia patch.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is another prequel that is set after the events of 2018's Bumblebee, which was set in 1987, and takes the Autobots to the 1990s. The film will introduce a whole new faction of Transformers, the Maximals, that join them as allies as they take on their greatest challenge yet, Unicron.
Directed by Steven Caple Jr. the film stars Anthony Ramos, Dominique Fishback, Tobe Nwigwe, Peter Cullen, Ron Perlman, Peter Dinklage, Michelle Yeoh, Pete Davidson, Liza Koshy, John DiMaggio, David Sobolov, Michaela Jaé Rodriguez, Colman Domingo, Cristo Fernández, and Tongayi Chirisa.