Retailer Target has an amazing Xbox One Cyber Monday deal for those who are in the market to purchase an Xbox One.
For only $ 299,99, Target will be offering an Xbox One Gears of War: Ultimate Edition bundle, plus a free EA sports game. On top of that, purchasers will receive a 3 month Xbox Live Gold subscription.
The regular price for the Gears bundle is $ 349.99, but for Black Friday, Microsoft will offering all Xbox One bundles with a $ 50.00 discount. With the deal at Target however, purchasers will receive an additional EA sports title, and 3 months Xbox Live Gold. Normally 3 months of Gold, retails for $ 24.99.
Cyber Monday is the US marketing name for the Monday that follows after Thanksgiving, and was made up to convince people to shop online. While Black Friday focuses on in-store deals at major retailers, Cyber Monday is more centred towards smaller retailers, and only applies to online deals.
Recently Microsoft’s Major Nelson, already listed the upcoming Black Friday & Cyber Monday hardware & software deals. I suggest reading this post to check if there is anything that interests you.