Microsoft's steady drip feed of backwards compatible games continues, as three more Xbox 360 titles are now playable on Xbox One. Bucking the trend of recent weeks, the latest additions to the BC library are all taken from a different series and encompass a range of genres.
First is Prince of Persia, the 2008 reboot of Ubisoft's acrobatic platforming series. It is joined by the Xbox 360 version of Sine Mora, the acclaimed side-scrolling shoot-'em-up by Suda 51's studio, Grasshopper Manufacture. Rounding out the batch is the third-person shooter Earth Defense Force 2025.
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Now Playing: Xbox One Adds 3 Backwards Compatible Games - GS News Update
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If you still own a physical copy of any title, you can begin playing it on your Xbox One simply by popping the disc into the console. Conversely, if you've previously purchased any of the games digitally, they will appear automatically in the Ready to Download area of the My Games and Apps menu. If you don't already own the titles, they are also available to download from the Microsoft Store.
Microsoft has been regularly rolling out new backwards compatible games in recent weeks. Two Splinter Cell titles, Blacklist and Double Agent, were added to the BC library last week, while Silent Hill HD Collection, Assassin's Creed Liberation HD, and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter all joined the library earlier in July.
More than 400 Xbox 360 games--as well as more than 30 original Xbox titles--have been made backwards compatible with Xbox One since the feature was introduced in 2015. You can see all of them in our full list of backwards compatible games. You can also check out our gallery of the best Xbox One backwards compatible games for recommendations on which classic titles are worth playing.