Sony confirmed last month that after nearly 30 years of operation, Wipeout series creator Studio Liverpool would shut its doors. Now, it appears the studio has new life. The company updated its Facebook and Twitter pages today with a message of "We Are Alive" and an image that resembles the studio's Wipeout series. Is this a first look at the next Wipeout?
The image (at right) shows two vehicles speeding away from a fiery explosion. No further information is available, and as of press time, Sony had not responded to GameSpot's request for comment.
At the time of Sony Liverpool's closure, the studio was rumored to be working on a Wipeout title and a Splinter Cell-style action game for the PlayStation 4. Sony has kept quiet concerning its official next-generation plans, but analysts believe new consoles from Microsoft and Sony will release in late 2013.
Sony Liverpool was established in 1984 as Psygnosis, before being picked up by Sony in 1993 and rebranded. The firm developed launch titles for every PlayStation format ever released. Most recently, Sony Liverpool developed the warmly received PlayStation Vita game Wipeout 2048.