Ubi Soft Entertainment and The Clan World Network have today announced that the first official Will Rock tournament will take place online later this month. The tournament, which will run from July 21 to July 26, will pit teams of four players against each other in 20-minute elimination rounds until only five remain. The top five teams will each receive a selection of four ATI Radeon 9800 Pro or 9600 Pro video cards--one card for each team member--depending on their position.
Each round of the tournament will be played on designated maps announced by The Clan World Network beforehand, and all teams will be required to meet on IRC to set up prior to matches. Addition rules and a sign-up page can be found on the official Will Rock tournament Web site.
Developed by Saber Interactive, Will Rock is a first-person shooter in which players assume the role of an archeologist who finds himself in ancient Greece and has to defend himself against an onslaught of monsters, as well as a formidable lineup of boss characters that includes Medusa, Cyclops, and Zeus. For more information on Will Rock, which was released in North America last month, check out our full review of the game.