Field Trip - Kicking things off right, we see Jody Robinson report on some nifty things that are going on in the gaming community in this week's GameSpot Field Trip. We line up single file with permission slips signed to check out and see what is up with Capcom, Blizzard, NCsoft and more.
Capcom Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Tournament (Recap) - Before the holidays, GameSpot played host to Capcom's Resident Evil event at our home office in San Francisco, CA. To check out how things went down, simply click on this link here.
"Zelda the Conformist" By: Hirasugi
"Time for Some Thrilling Heroics" By: Uesugi-dono
"Franchises That Need To Live Again" By: Rottenwood
"Some of the Best JRPGs" By: DS-man
"Games That Have Changed My Life: My Identity As A Gamer" By: aerobie
"Final thought on FF13 and the series as a whole" By: archvile_78
"Skyrim's Arrow in the Knee Translated" By: perkinsj26
Staff Fingerprints
"My Top 10 Games of 2011" By: shaunmc
"What I Played Over My Winter Break" By: carolynmichelle
"My Top Ten Gaming Experiences of 2011" By: Chris_Watters
"The Top Ten of 2011: Maxwell McGee" By: Maxwell
manishpab - [9.5 - Superb] If you only play one game this year, this is it.
PC: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Megotaku77 - [9.5 Superb] A review by a beta player and decade long veteran of MMOs for a game that's going to revolutionize the industry.
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
AK_the_Twilight - [9.5 - Superb] Zelda: Skyward Sword is an immensely triumphant evolution of the beloved adventure series.
PS3: Dark Souls
Kasheall - [9.5 - Superb] You'll either love it or hate it. I for one, enjoy it and here's why.
3DS: Mario Kart 7
Pierst179 - 8.5 - Great] A Mario Kart For The Ages
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