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Wccftech Games Presents: Reader’s Awards 2016
Wccftech Games Presents: Reader’s Awards 2016-October 2024
Oct 22, 2024 1:52 AM

  It's that time of the year. There will be no further releases of major games this year, so it's time to look back at the best games released in 2016. Personally, I believe that this year was slightly less stellar than 2015 when it comes to gaming but of course, your opinion may vary. 2017 is looking fantastic though, and we'll cover all the most anticipated upcoming games over the next couple weeks.

  Our end of the year schedule begins by giving you the power to choose with Wccftech's Reader's Awards 2016. We'll delve much deeper on our choices for each category with subsequent articles, but for now it's all about your votes. Some categories have many contestants while others have a few, but that's just the byproduct of this year's particular output in game releases, skewed towards certain genres while others were scarcely found.

  Of course, you're more than welcome to explain your votes in the comments section. Without further ado, let the votes begin! The polls will automatically close on December 31st, while on January 1st, 2017 we'll present the Reader's Awards 2016 winners alongside our own picks for the Staff Awards.

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  663 votes 37%

  663 votes - 37% of all votes

  Battlefield 1 31%, 555 votes

  555 votes 31%

  555 votes - 31% of all votes

  Overwatch 16%, 285 votes

  285 votes 16%

  285 votes - 16% of all votes

  Titanfall 2 7%, 132 votes

  132 votes 7%

  132 votes - 7% of all votes

  Shadow Warrior 2 3%, 57 votes

  57 votes 3%

  57 votes - 3% of all votes

  Gears of War 4 3%, 56 votes

  56 votes 3%

  56 votes - 3% of all votes

  Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 2%, 44 votes

  44 votes 2%

  44 votes - 2% of all votes

  Total Votes: 1792

  December 18, 2016 - December 31, 2016

  Voting is closed

  Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser. .dem-roller { margin: 0 auto; width: 40px; height: 40px; position: relative; } .con1 > div, .con2 > div, .con3 > div { width: 10px; height: 10px; background-color: #2686cc; border-radius: 100%; position: absolute; -webkit-animation: bouncedelay 1.2s infinite ease-in-out; animation: bouncedelay 1.2s infinite ease-in-out; /* Prevent first frame from flickering when animation starts */ -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both; animation-fill-mode: both; } .dem-roller .demrcont { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .con2 { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(45deg); transform: rotateZ(45deg); } .con3 { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(90deg); transform: rotateZ(90deg); } .circle1 { top: 0; left: 0; } .circle2 { top: 0; right: 0; } .circle3 { right: 0; bottom: 0; } .circle4 { left: 0; bottom: 0; } .con2 .circle1 { -webkit-animation-delay: -1.1s; animation-delay: -1.1s; } .con3 .circle1 { -webkit-animation-delay: -1.0s; animation-delay: -1.0s; } .con1 .circle2 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.9s; animation-delay: -0.9s; } .con2 .circle2 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.8s; animation-delay: -0.8s; } .con3 .circle2 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.7s; animation-delay: -0.7s; } .con1 .circle3 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.6s; animation-delay: -0.6s; } .con2 .circle3 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.5s; animation-delay: -0.5s; } .con3 .circle3 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.4s; animation-delay: -0.4s; } .con1 .circle4 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.3s; animation-delay: -0.3s; } .con2 .circle4 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.2s; animation-delay: -0.2s; } .con3 .circle4 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.1s; animation-delay: -0.1s; } @-webkit-keyframes bouncedelay { 0%, 80%, 100% { -webkit-transform: scale(0.0) } 40% { -webkit-transform: scale(1.0) } } @keyframes bouncedelay { 0%, 80%, 100% { transform: scale(0.0); -webkit-transform: scale(0.0); } 40% { transform: scale(1.0); -webkit-transform: scale(1.0); } }

  Best Role Playing Game (RPG) in 2016Dark Souls 3 30%, 488 votes

  488 votes 30%

  488 votes - 30% of all votes

  Deus Ex: Mankind Divided 26%, 418 votes

  418 votes 26%

  418 votes - 26% of all votes

  Final Fantasy XV 18%, 300 votes

  300 votes 18%

  300 votes - 18% of all votes

  Tyranny 14%, 224 votes

  224 votes 14%

  224 votes - 14% of all votes

  Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon 7%, 111 votes

  111 votes 7%

  111 votes - 7% of all votes

  Grim Dawn 5%, 87 votes

  87 votes 5%

  87 votes - 5% of all votes

  Total Votes: 1628

  December 18, 2016 - December 31, 2016

  Voting is closed

  Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

  Best Racing Game in 2016Forza Horizon 3 72%, 869 votes

  869 votes 72%

  869 votes - 72% of all votes

  Forza Motorsport 6 Apex 14%, 163 votes

  163 votes 14%

  163 votes - 14% of all votes

  F1 2016 11%, 128 votes

  128 votes 11%

  128 votes - 11% of all votes

  Ride 2 4%, 45 votes

  45 votes 4%

  45 votes - 4% of all votes

  Total Votes: 1205

  December 18, 2016 - December 31, 2016

  Voting is closed

  Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

  Best Action/Adventure Game in 2016Uncharted 4: A Thief's End 36%, 537 votes

  537 votes 36%

  537 votes - 36% of all votes

  Dishonored 2 31%, 460 votes

  460 votes 31%

  460 votes - 31% of all votes

  HITMAN 12%, 175 votes

  175 votes 12%

  175 votes - 12% of all votes

  Quantum Break 9%, 133 votes

  133 votes 9%

  133 votes - 9% of all votes

  The Last Guardian 6%, 97 votes

  97 votes 6%

  97 votes - 6% of all votes

  Watch Dogs 2 6%, 92 votes

  92 votes 6%

  92 votes - 6% of all votes

  Total Votes: 1494

  December 18, 2016 - December 31, 2016

  Voting is closed

  Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

  Best Adventure Game in 2016Firewatch 48%, 515 votes

  515 votes 48%

  515 votes - 48% of all votes

  Inside 27%, 287 votes

  287 votes 27%

  287 votes - 27% of all votes

  Obduction 10%, 111 votes

  111 votes 10%

  111 votes - 10% of all votes

  Abzû 10%, 104 votes

  104 votes 10%

  104 votes - 10% of all votes

  Oxenfree 5%, 56 votes

  56 votes 5%

  56 votes - 5% of all votes

  Total Votes: 1073

  December 18, 2016 - December 31, 2016

  Voting is closed

  Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

  Best Sports Game in 2016FIFA 17 37%, 377 votes

  377 votes 37%

  377 votes - 37% of all votes

  Steep 21%, 207 votes

  207 votes 21%

  207 votes - 21% of all votes

  NBA 2K17 15%, 156 votes

  156 votes 15%

  156 votes - 15% of all votes

  PES 2017 13%, 127 votes

  127 votes 13%

  127 votes - 13% of all votes

  NHL 17 6%, 62 votes

  62 votes 6%

  62 votes - 6% of all votes

  Madden NFL 17 6%, 57 votes

  57 votes 6%

  57 votes - 6% of all votes

  MLB The Show 16 2%, 21 vote

  21 vote 2%

  21 vote - 2% of all votes

  Total Votes: 1007

  December 18, 2016 - December 31, 2016

  Voting is closed

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  Best Online Game in 2016Tom Clancy's The Division 37%, 473 votes

  473 votes 37%

  473 votes - 37% of all votes

  World of Warcraft: Legion 25%, 315 votes

  315 votes 25%

  315 votes - 25% of all votes

  Black Desert Online 17%, 215 votes

  215 votes 17%

  215 votes - 17% of all votes

  Star Wars: The Old Republic - Knights of the Eternal Throne 11%, 145 votes

  145 votes 11%

  145 votes - 11% of all votes

  Elder Scrolls Online DLCs (Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild) 8%, 109 votes

  109 votes 8%

  109 votes - 8% of all votes

  Archeage 3.0 - Revelation 2%, 27 votes

  27 votes 2%

  27 votes - 2% of all votes

  Total Votes: 1284

  December 18, 2016 - December 31, 2016

  Voting is closed

  Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

  Best Strategy Game in 2016Civilization VI 45%, 583 votes

  583 votes 45%

  583 votes - 45% of all votes

  XCOM 2 25%, 326 votes

  326 votes 25%

  326 votes - 25% of all votes

  Total War: Warhammer 18%, 235 votes

  235 votes 18%

  235 votes - 18% of all votes

  Hearts of Iron IV 9%, 111 votes

  111 votes 9%

  111 votes - 9% of all votes

  Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence - Ascension 2%, 24 votes

  24 votes 2%

  24 votes - 2% of all votes

  Atlas Reactor 1%, 12 votes

  12 votes 1%

  12 votes - 1% of all votes

  Total Votes: 1291

  December 18, 2016 - December 31, 2016

  Voting is closed

  Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

  Best Indie Game in 2016Firewatch 32%, 332 votes

  332 votes 32%

  332 votes - 32% of all votes

  Inside 23%, 243 votes

  243 votes 23%

  243 votes - 23% of all votes

  Darkest Dungeon 18%, 184 votes

  184 votes 18%

  184 votes - 18% of all votes

  The Witness 10%, 108 votes

  108 votes 10%

  108 votes - 10% of all votes

  The Banner Saga 2 10%, 104 votes

  104 votes 10%

  104 votes - 10% of all votes

  Obduction 3%, 36 votes

  36 votes 3%

  36 votes - 3% of all votes

  Oxenfree 2%, 25 votes

  25 votes 2%

  25 votes - 2% of all votes

  Severed 1%, 9 votes

  9 votes 1%

  9 votes - 1% of all votes

  Total Votes: 1041

  December 18, 2016 - December 31, 2016

  Voting is closed

  Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

  Best Management/SimulationPlanet Coaster 43%, 386 votes

  386 votes 43%

  386 votes - 43% of all votes

  Football Manager 2017 25%, 230 votes

  230 votes 25%

  230 votes - 25% of all votes

  Farming Simulator 17 24%, 221 vote

  221 vote 24%

  221 vote - 24% of all votes

  Motorsport Manager 8%, 71 vote

  71 vote 8%

  71 vote - 8% of all votes

  Total Votes: 908

  December 18, 2016 - December 31, 2016

  Voting is closed

  Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

  Best DLC in 2016The Witcher III: Blood and Wine 83%, 1158 votes

  1158 votes 83%

  1158 votes - 83% of all votes

  Fallout 4: Far Harbor 9%, 128 votes

  128 votes 9%

  128 votes - 9% of all votes

  Tom Clancy's The Division - Survival 5%, 71 vote

  71 vote 5%

  71 vote - 5% of all votes

  Destiny: Rise of Iron 3%, 37 votes

  37 votes 3%

  37 votes - 3% of all votes

  Total Votes: 1394

  December 18, 2016 - December 31, 2016

  Voting is closed

  Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

  Best Graphics in 2016Battlefield 1 38%, 576 votes

  576 votes 38%

  576 votes - 38% of all votes

  DOOM 23%, 343 votes

  343 votes 23%

  343 votes - 23% of all votes

  Uncharted 4: A Thief's End 17%, 261 vote

  261 vote 17%

  261 vote - 17% of all votes

  Final Fantasy XV 5%, 76 votes

  76 votes 5%

  76 votes - 5% of all votes

  Tom Clancy's The Division 5%, 74 votes

  74 votes 5%

  74 votes - 5% of all votes

  Forza Horizon 3 4%, 67 votes

  67 votes 4%

  67 votes - 4% of all votes

  Dishonored 2 4%, 67 votes

  67 votes 4%

  67 votes - 4% of all votes

  Gears of War 4 3%, 49 votes

  49 votes 3%

  49 votes - 3% of all votes

  Total Votes: 1513

  December 18, 2016 - December 31, 2016

  Voting is closed

  Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

  Best Game in 2016Battlefield 1 26%, 373 votes

  373 votes 26%

  373 votes - 26% of all votes

  Overwatch 14%, 194 votes

  194 votes 14%

  194 votes - 14% of all votes

  Dark Souls III 12%, 174 votes

  174 votes 12%

  174 votes - 12% of all votes

  Dishonored 2 11%, 157 votes

  157 votes 11%

  157 votes - 11% of all votes

  Deus Ex: Mankind Divided 8%, 119 votes

  119 votes 8%

  119 votes - 8% of all votes

  Civilization VI 5%, 76 votes

  76 votes 5%

  76 votes - 5% of all votes

  DOOM 5%, 74 votes

  74 votes 5%

  74 votes - 5% of all votes

  Forza Horizon 3 5%, 68 votes

  68 votes 5%

  68 votes - 5% of all votes

  XCOM 2 4%, 60 votes

  60 votes 4%

  60 votes - 4% of all votes

  Titanfall 2 4%, 56 votes

  56 votes 4%

  56 votes - 4% of all votes

  Uncharted 4: A Thief's End 4%, 50 votes

  50 votes 4%

  50 votes - 4% of all votes

  Total War: Warhammer 2%, 26 votes

  26 votes 2%

  26 votes - 2% of all votes

  Total Votes: 1427

  December 18, 2016 - December 31, 2016

  Voting is closed

  Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

  Most Anticipated Game in 2017Mass Effect: Andromeda 35%, 526 votes

  526 votes 35%

  526 votes - 35% of all votes

  Red Dead Redemption 2 20%, 298 votes

  298 votes 20%

  298 votes - 20% of all votes

  The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 10%, 145 votes

  145 votes 10%

  145 votes - 10% of all votes

  Horizon: Zero Dawn 8%, 114 votes

  114 votes 8%

  114 votes - 8% of all votes

  Resident Evil VII: Biohazard 7%, 103 votes

  103 votes 7%

  103 votes - 7% of all votes

  Star Wars Battlefront 2 6%, 94 votes

  94 votes 6%

  94 votes - 6% of all votes

  Prey 5%, 76 votes

  76 votes 5%

  76 votes - 5% of all votes

  Gran Turismo Sport 4%, 55 votes

  55 votes 4%

  55 votes - 4% of all votes

  Destiny 2 3%, 43 votes

  43 votes 3%

  43 votes - 3% of all votes

  Sea of Thieves 2%, 32 votes

  32 votes 2%

  32 votes - 2% of all votes

  Total Votes: 1486

  December 18, 2016 - December 31, 2016

  Voting is closed

  Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

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