Disney's live-action remake of its much-loved animated movie Beauty and the Beast is set to hit theaters in March. Following last week's audio clip of star Emma Watson singing some of the film's classic songs, two new TV spots have been released. Check the first out below, and the second at the end of this story:
Beauty and the Beast is directed by Bill Condon, who was behind the camera for the final two Twilight movies, as well as the Oscar-winning Dreamgirls. Disney has described the film as a "re-telling" of the 1991 animated favorite, tailored for a "contemporary audience." It will stay true to the original music, while adding some new tunes as well.
Watson plays Belle, while Dan Stevens portrays Beast. Luke Evans plays Gaston, alongside Josh Gad as LeFou. There are also CG versions of Lumiere (Ewan McGregor), Cogsworth (Ian McKellan), and Mrs. Potts (Emma Thompson), Kevin Kline plays Belle's father, Maurice.
It was recently reported that Disney is also developing a live-action Snow White musical film. This is just the latest in the studio's efforts to reboot its classic animated films in live-action form, with Mulan, The Lion King, Aladdin, and Jungle Book 2 all in the works.
Beauty and the Beast is released on March 17, 2017.